Wednesday 25 July 2012

If Israel were to ahrage down from teh Golan without a UN mandate it would risk chemical reprisals from Syria and possible radicalising of Palestine. As such the most it can provide is humanitarian aid supported by air cover with teh UN unless differently mandated. hence to stop this war and end WMD gloablly there needs to be a peace conference

Saturday 21 July 2012

The chinese energy talks are good as a confidence building measure. If they build plants here in geologically safe uk instead of putting the fuel in warheads and collapsing teh Us economy, the world is a better place and every state can get rid of its nukes rather than Israel and Iran trying to blow each other up.

Its better tahn arms races like in teh 1930s as argued in todays Daily Mail.

Excuse teh bad language in this article, I live in the balst range for the Diplomatic airport, Windsor Castle, Central London and teh Nato base that won the falklands war in its own way so I'm a tad biased in favour of no more nukes post cold war and in the age of economic uncertainty.

They'd also be advised to put a couple in Ireland if their government agree.
With all the recent furore over circumcision in the media I thought I'd put up some accurate information about Judaism below.

Knapp and Magloffs guide to Jewish faith and practice

Faith can be described as believing in certain things with mind heart and soul; and then living by them in the course of everyday life. Faith is always personal. Each person must believe for themselves. Here are some m...ain parts of the Jewish faith.

Jewish beliefs

There is only one God and creator, who cannot be seen and described

Prayers should be said to God and only to God

God knows the thoughts and deeds of all people

God made a unique covenant or agreement with the Jewish people

One of the Greatest leaders of the ancient Jewish people was Moses. God gave laws to Moses on Mount Sinai. These laws include the Ten commandments

The Jewish Bible includes the writings of Moses, called the Torah. It also includes writings by prophets and kings, as well as proverbs and Psalms. Jewish scriptures also include writings made by scholars over a long period of time.

A man named Abraham was one of the founders of the Jewish faith. He had a special covenant with God.

God promised Abraham and his descendants that they would live in the promised land. This land is ancient Israel.

Jewish scripture teaches us that we must all work to make the world a perfect place.

Judaism is not just a set of beliefs and practices, it is a way of living life. Judaism is filled with practices and traditions that affect every aspect of life

Many of the laws in the Jewish Bible teach us how to help make the world a perfect place. They include ideas like having compassion for all living things, and striving towards peace.

The above are common to (for want of a better term) the Jewsih Sects / demoninations and form the introduction to the book.

These are Haredi





And in London there are also other secular, humanist and the Jews for Jesus groups.

The main religious festivals are based on a 13 month, 52 week calendar with festivals that vary in date based on the lunar calendar (such as Pesach / Passover like the Christian festival of Easter).

The recently contentious practice of male circumcision can vary with each sect as to ‘how much skin gets lopped off’. However it is not barbaric compared with extreme Islamist (whahibi) practice of female circumcision where the Clitoris gets fully removed and the female pee tube gets rerouted into the birth canal. Men who are circumcised can still have sex when they grow up or after conversion as adults.
Also like the Scots within their own faith they have a lower minimum marriage age which is recognised in law in the UK. Some other faiths seek this parity as well. However this should never negate from getting GCSEs and O levels as the basis for subsequent external study while bringing up a family or vocational training.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Another peace conference is needed for Syria with reference to the security council from their joint envoy to make binding recommendations. A state can defend itself but not use WMD (chemical shells and the like) against its own people under post cold war international law.

The question has to be asked when and who supplied them and is there now a need for arms dealers to be replaced by internat...
ionally recorded arms supply deals at the UN.

This would aid humanitarian interventions to be as safe as possible and any clear up operation. This has to be done so as to avoid the modern day equivilant of the chemical disaster that occurred in 1991 when the defeated Iraqi army set light to Kuwaits oil wells requiring one of the most complex clean ups in international history (till Fukishima and since Chernobyl 1986).

Monday 16 July 2012

Rail electrification is good news, cascaded diesel rolling stock of 125 mph capability from Midand and Fgreat western, nice! A few plug doors a la chiltern and they could make Northern Scotland and Wales services better.

Further the shuttle rolling stock for services to the SWest / Cornwall and from Swansea to Pembrokeshire and possibly Lampeter or in teh future for a reinstated and improved 'Offas Dyke' service should help the borders.

Also if more Pendolinos are vbought for teh East Coast as a proven design that works on teh West Coast, cascaded 125s can go elsewhere such as Anglia or Mid Wales services.

Nice day all round railwise.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Whenever there are campaigns against people trafficking (very laudable and necessary during the Olympics and at all times), please also bear in  mind the fact that those whose images and modelling in this country 'advertise' said 'lifestyle' for them mainly are:

1) Uk citizesn or naturalised
2) Have national insurance numbers and pay income tax
3) Have a trade body, something called teh collective
4) Live ordinary lives under teh law and declare their earnings
5) If students, pay NI at the part time or self employed rate to ensure that they have state support.

All of which means that:
1) The people being trafficked don't have this or other rights unless assisted by teh voluntary sector
2) Their housing is badly paid for or dependant on housing benefit or charitable claims
3) In this recession the average donation against people trafficking is going to be low for charities and any concerns should be emailed to the Child online and exploitation ctte, the internet watch foundation and the press complaints commission re adverts as well as the national crime squad and Met police vice squad. 

Tuesday 3 July 2012

I favour a federal constitution with the removal or regulation of bye laws under an English Parliament with a de facto seperation of church of state, whiole keeping teh de jure rights of teh church so as to advise teh crown and call for a second constitutional convention should at a subsequent point a devolved nation wish to secede. that would keep Northern Ireland, scotland and wales from being sectarian and ensure that a united Ireland could join the Commonwealth.
The minority and human rights legislation could then continue to be applied in the successor states to protect both immigrant and minority languages from Alba (scottish) to Kernewek