Friday, 23 November 2012

wales needs a central bank to regulate the new tax transactions between devolved nations and Northern Ireland with the United Kingdom exchequer and to maintain enough oversight of reserves and investment in keeping open factories or warm mothballing them so that in the few months between owners steel making skills (the current example) isn't lost nd the area become soverwhelmingky dependant on the...
welfare state.

These reserves could be held in terms of Welsh gold if the Crown estates sought to devlove the south welsh mines it owns or currency reserves of teh Euro to help the Irish republic given recent treaties on economic interdependance between the Uk and Ireland following the visits of each of their heads of states to the others countries.

All of this is on top of the welcome recommendations of the Silk Commission.
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Thursday, 15 November 2012

When gaza gets its hands on Egyptian explosives and iranian missiles, peace talks region iwde are needed that include the states bordering SYria nad Saudi Arabia. The jeddah version of the Koran may have to be noted and set aside with its references to Christains and Jews to create a lasting peace and two state solution with final status for Jerusalem. There is a modern translation (the Muslim version of teh NRSV / AV in the CofE) that omits the contentious and inflamatory phrases and that needs to be used for teh basis of Arab league summits regarding theology for it and peace talks. The problem is that Hamas are past masters in taking a view and avoiding things that go against it, particulary when attcked back, and with a dmeocratic mandate within Gaza territory.

The peace talks may be concluded with Arab coffee but they need a lot of milk from west bank kibbutzs whose status and citizenship need resolution peacefully.

All of which means that when Peace envoy calls for calm, I agree with him Tony Blair.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

I've had an email regarding riosks to properties in Aberystwyuth town based on a question I asked as a resident in HIllingdon (England / Lloegr) to my boroughs MPs as thats how in a non devolved England cross parliamentary issues can be corresponded and questions asked.

If you or anyone at risk from flooding has insurance difficulties as premiums may rise from teh last flood this Summer, please conatct in advance and get help for grants from heritage bodies if in grade listed properties or conservation areas (The rural welsh version of portland stone georgian - through to mock tudor of Metroland in London).

Monday, 5 November 2012

North wales care homes

The North wales care homes were a pre welfare state response to industrial poverty in Manchester and liverpool using funds from teh non conformist churches. as such these homes are now under local social services and charitable shop care and funding. This could ensure that current residents are aided and helped by Rowan Cantuar solving what he couldn't do as what was then the sub 'province' of wales as its (the Anglican church of England and Wales) status hadn't entirely been resolved. However for every case of abuse there is a loving couple in the rural areas who want to settle down together at sixth form age and need help in trinaing and support.

This is therefore a a sub judice matter of the highest import through the Childrens Commissioners of the Uniteed Kingdom and The Irish Republic through the Council of the Isles.

If you know of wnyone affected who needs counselling the Met Police have an abuse line for current cases, the number is 0207 610 4345