Saturday 5 March 2011

Re the LSE Director quitting

In defence of my dads old bossIf you think that the Lybian funding of Uk higher education is bad, think about it from the following perpespectives:

1) In the nineteenth century when unregulated and funded by the criminal underworld it produced Marx and Hegel and similar systems elsewhere in Europe produced Hitler and the Nazis. Would you want another one like Idi Amin or Pol Pot or Mugabe?

2) The American Ivy League is just as bad and they cross subsidise their countres smaller unis.

3) The Soviets were even worse, look how their methods affected those that implemented them in terms of their health (Kruschev and Andropov who were ruthless in teh ways that they obtained their information)3b) They learnt their methodologies of of the UK in WW2

4) Statutory regulation of university funding and publication of donatiosn has been attempted many times in the past and always vetoed as detrimental to the national interest, why?

5) My best guess is that its because those institutions with the know how use funds from foreign nations to fund courses on them for the fostering of international cultural links and to aid the poor of London to get jobs and skills (eg Birkbeck and Goldsmiths Cert HEs for those who are actually working in the UK economy lawfully as a way into higher education). Plus some of their certificates have important societal uses. To put it crudely. If the LSE has acted as a ammanah slush fund to fund non militant Immans studying and archeaology in North Africa, whats the problem, the methodology was being used concurrently by The Al Queada enemy for their madrassas

5b) My next best guess is that when this found out or the use of uni power by the crown, the Chancellorships and patronships get rotated by differing members of the Royal Family. Hence the need for universities based on regulated submissions to them and external studentships for those who live within the UK.

6) This has been subverted by people, gangs and other states intelligence agencies to send their agents over on student visas. The reason it is tolerated is that has been used to stop things that they all think are evil such as Militant Islam and terrorism. Some of their methods are illegal and the people you report them to are the Met Police counter terrorism and vice squads, their own embassies, the Foreign and Commonwealth office and the Court of St James.7) Having seen how this operated can you blame him for wanting to get it regulated to prevent vile manipulations of the financial systems against small states and the unsustainability of intelligence agencies and some of their methods.

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