Friday 23 September 2011

UN vote today

Sky at 7am and Russia Today @ 8am British Summer time noted that the Israeli and Palestinian security forces were cooperating bilaterally to ensure any protests / celebrations at the vote in the UN on Palestinian statehood in the Palestinian Territories and along its borders occurs peacefully. This is how it would work if there was said recognition and a common territory of Bethlehem and Jerusalem and Ramallah.

Thus peaceful celebration is a good way of aiding the UN vote and the democratic aspirations of both states against arms smuggling and imported terrorism into their combined territory and has a precedent with the Entente cordiale signed in the last century between The UK and French Republic.

Since then UK and French nationals have served in each others armies and police forces based on where they reside and this could be the precedence for remaining Israeli citizens living in citizens within the bilaterally agreed border of the new state to serve and participate in the Palestinian security forces especially now that Hamas and Fatah are in coalition and thus Palestinian Authoritys state security may no longer be factional.

If it gets dangerous this is one time to go home and not cause a revolt or intifada as today the world is rejecting Al Queada by removing its main grievance, the unresolved status of the Palestinian people since 1967 by aiding the creation of their own state in accordance with the Road Map for a two state solution.

Hence dialogue is the best option following on from todays and subsequent votes at the General Assembly (regarding enhanced observer status) and the security council.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Still no need for an intifada

If the US vetoes the security council resolution for Palestinian statehood expected to be petitioned this week after a speech by the Palestinian President in the UN next week then there is a 'Plan B' accordint o BBC News online. The Palestinans are going to ask the General Assembly where no veto is possible to raise their status at teh UN to enhanced observer status, on a par with the Vatican. This development would ensure that both the Palestinian Authority and the State of Israel could negotiate a two state solution and outstanding issues between them such as ths status of Jerusalem.

On that last point I would suggest that the Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah area become an integrated joint capital area or tri city area with a common security force to aid the residents. However that is a bilateral issue under international mediation which enhanced observer status could bring about.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Keep away from the Israeli peace walls

On Russia Today it has been noted that as defensive measure to prevent the smuggling in of weapons the northern borders and walls of teh Israeli state had been mined.

To prevent anyone actually being injured there the neighbouring states have to police them as well and prevent attempts to cross them until the new Palestinian Stae recognised at the UN can negotiate deviations from them according to International law as a seceding national territory with a track record of democratic devolved administration and referendums wanting statehood. That is teh best way to aid teh twos state solution as I can guess it from England.

Italy Credit rating downgrade

The Italian state has had its credit rating downgraded from an A+ to A according to BBC News 24 today. Before there is global currency speculation and stock exchange speculation against what have been termed by economists the 'PIGS' (Portugal, Italy / Ireland, Greece & Spain) that could cause porblems to the entire Eurozone, lets pause and think.

If third world states can default on what they can't pay back and pay back what they can (termed sovereign debt restructuring) as set out at Gleneagles. Then why not the same for each state within teh Eurozone as set out by the ECB. As their economies contain real people it would make an imporatnt case study to get right and a precedent for the UK to federate its fiscal authority to its devolved primary law making legislatures on the basis of their recent election results and to aid cohesion in the implementation of federal policy as occurs in the USA, Canada and Australia. It would prepare the state for a codified written constitution and teh right of secession by democratic means like occurred with Czechoslovakia. That way Federal Unionism and democratic secessionism could debate under a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary and presidential commonwealth (allowing for co-operation with The irish Republic to develop).

Thursday 15 September 2011

Thoughts and prayers for the mine situation in South Wales. Lets pray that the rescuers vocation in saving life is successful.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Syria and the Arab League

Syria and the Arab League

On Saturday The Arab League agreed with The Syrian state that there would be a cessation in its persecution of protestors after the Russian Foreign Minister called for action to support peace and a more balanced coverage (according to news channel Russia Today).

I hope it lasts.

In international law regional supranational organisations such as the EU and ASEan can mediate on behalf of their member states.

The dilemma faced now is that Assads regime has already been criticised for crimes against humanity. So is a Syrian government with Bashar al assad still as president still possible under international law. Hence earlier comments by UK government ministers that his position was now untenable.
A legal basis for the 1967 border to be altered by bilateral consent
In the constitution of teh Russian Federation is a clause (Article 67.3)3. Borders between constituent entities of the Russian Federation may be changed upon their mutual consent.

So if as Israeli lawyers have argued in the past Israel and Palestine are both the same jurisdiction (though the Palestinians and subsequent peace dialogues have disaggreed with this).The new attempt for UN statehood takes a devolved territory set up under international auspices and referendums (the Dayton, Camp David accords and handshake at teh White house in the 1990s and the two state solution Under President George W Bush and negotiations, particulary in his second term) and turns it into an independent state.

As a seceding state under international law, could Palestine seek its border redrawn with the 'remaining Israeli state' and the territory of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah becoming a jointly administered or UN territory.

In my idealistic heart of hearts yes I'd like the Holy Land Christian again but having been there and read all that I have, visited once and seen how people of twi states and three faiths want to live in peace without Al Queada or threats from Iranian missiles and attempts to drive them into the sea I think that the most that Christendom can get is protection as a minority similar to soem under Uk statute law and Russian federal constitutional law. As Hamas and Fatah are both in coalition perhaps now is the best chance for peace

Borsi and the EDL

After doing some work today in the library and getting the bus to near Grovesenor Square to visit the memorial after the ceremony I walked past an English Defence league group being prevented from making their respects as they were seperated by a blockade from a counter demonstration by Muslims against Crusades. Ok call me naive but couldn't they have picked a better day and couldn't the Mayor of London have chosen a better place to park than by a road by the EDL demonstrators.

Given that teh Muslim world is becomiong democratic and these constitutions need to be shaped to respect the Christian minorities living in these countries (called the Arab Spring) couldn't 9/11 be the time for these groups to make up?

For teh record teh ENglish Democrats are a seperate political party and in their constitution and policies condemn the far left and far right. To prevent the EDP being classed as far right as a former candidate of theirs I should declare that my walking past was accidental and that any violence that may have occurred is seperate from the EDP who may have a seperate matter presently sub judice following visiting a 7/7 memorial event.
CV Template . Other examples in the London area can be obtained from Job centre or European Social Funded projects such as Seetec and initiatives by the new government and the reform of welfare into a universal credit and other related state benefits (such as Housing and Council Tax benefit assessed on the basis of receipt of Income Support or the new universal credit).

This is being done to aid those on long term sickness benefits seek part time employment on the possible way to full time work on the basis of their ability and not seasonal media pressure. These courses are usually available if you are on Employment and Support allowance and optional if you are on Incapacity benefit.

That written sometimes however courses are also run In Greater London at your local boroughs Adult education centres to aid those coming out of full time secondary and FE education, demob from HM Combined Cadet forces, Police Cadets or HM Adult services and those starting new businesses or changing career on the basis of Job centre advice if civilian or charity advice such as help for heroes and the British legion if leaving the armed services or while being in the reserves.

If I can add one thing personally based on life experience and some educated guesswork and the fact that Hillingdon has a NATO base nearby and now UK immigration rules against Commonwealth nationals, while foreign diplomats are governed by diplomatic law and serve at Her Majestys pleasure on government advice and appointment procedures to the Court of St James regulated by the FCO as devolved from Parliament, their military are also similarly governed by post 1945 procedures and conduct. Do not have a go at them for their countries or the UNs decided policies or their relatives and friends and churches / faiths as UK equivilants in other countries operate on similar regulations unless it breaches UK law .

To do so could mean that the world would lose its head at a time when frankly those who can do things and want to live peacefully and democratically the world over are really needed.

Instead as civilians take it through the civilian police force of the relevant part of the UK unless an imminent threat to life. In the UK these can be reported online to the Met Police, The cross community and Christian denomination PSNI in Northern Ireland or MI5 (the UK Security Service) on their report form websites.

I write this as the children of Cold War diplomats are now UK citizens and subjects if still here and settled lawfully living peaceful lives. In an age of allegedly credible threats, lets remember that the majority of public figures relatives live peaceful and lawful lives starting families and being members of the community should they wish to get active in supporting others who lawfully settle here.

With the Royal wedding recently some may serve their ‘homelands’ in the future in their civil service according to that states procedures and ways of recruitment as the next generation takes over, becoming dual nationals and some may not. They have a right to family life as much as UK citizens under the UNC Human rights and the European one and the present Human rights act derived from them. As such they too have legal protection under the laws of the state as well provided they too don’t break the law.

Areas that cause concern are people trafficking, arms smuggling and illegal drugs cartels as these destabilise interpersonal and hence interstate relations which in the past have risked arms races and proliferation. On 9/11 lets remember that and find a better way.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Regime change in Iran?
The middle east peace envoy has said on Sky news that it is probably better if Iran had regime change.
Noting the fact that it has according to preceding OECD reports had democratic elections for seperate state and faith legislatures (however fundamentalist). What grounds are there to remove the regime?
1) The detention of minorities at Camp Ashraf and Iraqi prisoners.
2) Electoral irregularities
3) Withdrawal from and failure to co-operate from Nuclear arms resulation by the IAEA.

Their defence to 3) Is that the civilian nuclear power plants have been or are being regulated bilaterally are now coming online. One of them is providing electricity and so long as it remains in a geologically stable area could so continue and aid the economies in the rest of the region. Surely that is better than a risk to a nuclear air strike the resultant damage could affect the water supply of an entire region and Russia, India and China risking radicalised populations where the Muslim faqith is in the majority.
That is why the Iranian situation, however awful some of their governments rhetoric is an international matter at the UN.

So if anyone is planning anything go for their seperate missile sites to remove their first strike capability but please don't do it Israel as they could hit your civilian reactor and poison the Medditteranean.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Syria and Lybia
The French and Russian Foreign ministers met yesterday to discuss Syria. The French said that recent events were tantamount to crimes against humanity and that the Assad Regime should desist. Said shootings had prevented the head of the Arab league from visiting.
The Russians have called for a different solution to Lybia and that some of the sanctions may be counterproductive (possibly meaning that it could radicalise the population and potentially jeopardise Palestinian statehood)

Re Lybia the convoy south contains those who fought for what was then the lawfully recognised government. Whether they are allowed to dispose of the Gold from said regime (which could include some of the Gold the Uk sold off in 1999) as if mercenaries its their payment from Gadaffi is a matter for international lawyers and whichever state they surrender it to such as Niger or Burkina Faso. Avoid all emails pruporting to advertise ex Bank of England Gold, you could get ripped off.

The American perspective on Syria.
Further to whats written above the US have called for change to occur in Syria. Hence its a very difficult situation to assess from solely open source information on 24 hour news channels. Its therefore given the amount of discussion a matter for teh UN.

One other variable to note is that the Iranians have hooked up their first nuclear power plant to their national grid for civilian nuclear power. Given recent events in Japan if its regulated and is in a geological stable area, could this be something that could help Afghanistan and neighbouring states rebuild peacefully?

Friday 2 September 2011

Turkeys expulsion of an Israeli diplomat

Turkey has expelled a diplomat because its state has refused to apologise for its handling of a protest flotilla to that territory. This isn't Cyprus and the EU, the state concerned is Israel. In these circumstances this will not necessarilly lead to another intifada as such expulsions are temporary and show one governments displeasure of anothers actions on a particular matter. Israel either has had or is having an inquiry on it for its democratically elected legislature and both governments act according to these recommendations and international law.

Another pacific tsunami

Theres has been a tsunami alert after a 7.1 earthquake near Alaska.