Saturday 10 September 2011

Regime change in Iran?
The middle east peace envoy has said on Sky news that it is probably better if Iran had regime change.
Noting the fact that it has according to preceding OECD reports had democratic elections for seperate state and faith legislatures (however fundamentalist). What grounds are there to remove the regime?
1) The detention of minorities at Camp Ashraf and Iraqi prisoners.
2) Electoral irregularities
3) Withdrawal from and failure to co-operate from Nuclear arms resulation by the IAEA.

Their defence to 3) Is that the civilian nuclear power plants have been or are being regulated bilaterally are now coming online. One of them is providing electricity and so long as it remains in a geologically stable area could so continue and aid the economies in the rest of the region. Surely that is better than a risk to a nuclear air strike the resultant damage could affect the water supply of an entire region and Russia, India and China risking radicalised populations where the Muslim faqith is in the majority.
That is why the Iranian situation, however awful some of their governments rhetoric is an international matter at the UN.

So if anyone is planning anything go for their seperate missile sites to remove their first strike capability but please don't do it Israel as they could hit your civilian reactor and poison the Medditteranean.

1 comment:

  1. Some provinces / constituent states of Russia and China nearest Iran have Muslim populations.
