Wednesday 22 February 2012

Greek economic situation, can Turkish accession to EU and two euro currencies stabilise the Global economy?

Is yesterdays Greek bailout enough and if not, what can be done?
As greece has a new bailout agreed yesterday, the questions now are:Will the rest of Europe and Portugal and Spain need similar measures?If so could the Irish republic leave the Euro and enter a sterling area, like the Channel Islands and Isle of Man?Are the present pension funds financed enough and if not, can hypothecated govt investment bonds be created for infrastructure with a better rate of return than inflation? This would protect the Mutual societies investments and further state stabilise the UK and Irish banks.Could Turkey and other eastern EU states join this a soft Euro like the Greeks and Italians and then copy these infrastructure bonds for their own infrastructure, Which would aid the construction of Polish and Italian Railways whose states (amongst others) have invested in rail construction.


  1. Poland have the cinstructuion staff trained but not the government funding for high speed rail till 2020. So as there is free movement of workforces across the EU they cpould always build some other countries HSpeed lines or maintain their own diesel fleet if gas fired electric power plants aren't sent their fuel.

  2. gas extraction on tsunami prone fault lines / oil fields could risk destruction like the BP one in the Gulf of Mexico
