Monday 22 August 2011

Lybian rebels are in Tripoli and the UK and US have called on Gadaffi to stand down as his sons have been captured. Earlier today the Lybian opposition have offerred for Gadaffi to leave the country should he wish.

Best advice to anyone living in Tripoli is stay away from Gadaffis compound


  1. The Arab league have recognised teh non gadaffi forces as the legitiamate government yesterday. Therefore is it time for a ceasefire and constitutional convention in Lybia in order to prevent urban conflict and civilian loss of life today?

  2. The UK foreign secretary has said in a press conference today that the regime of colonel gadaffi is finished and that Lybias neighvouring states have recognised teh national transitional council as the government, which will be attending teh next meeting of the Arab League.

  3. Yesterday the Lybian transitional government offerred an amnesty to those who stopped fighting. They are nearing Sirte (gadaffis hometown). So theres a way out of further urban conflict.

  4. That offer was on BBC News 24 but it was denied on another satellite news channel I was watching while in hospital in the UK.
