Friday 5 August 2011

A point of clarification

The House of Lords is selected by an appointments commission on agreed criteria and statute. Being a peer is decided by the crown upon advice of the College of arms. Both have criteria that prior to seperation were set by the Cabinet Office.

Since the repeal of the right of hereditary peers to sit in the Lords the two are quasi separate as i understand it.

If there is an elected senate after the passing of the bill today according to teh current statutory procedures and constitution for ammending the westminster constitution, then there is still the need for a codified constitution. At present as a possible first step the current government is drafting a bill of rights distinct from European Law for the UK.


  1. Hence if the vote on Lords reform was going to be lost I made a rather inappropriate comment that I wanted to be a Peer / House of Lords member. I remember the Poll Tax riots and thought teh vote might be packed which since the reforms and appointments commission is not allowable as membership is now on experience and merit. I prejudged a debate and vote in Parliament and therefore I apologise.

  2. Inappropriate is a word which shows I have spent too much time under psychiatric care.
