Thursday 28 June 2012

At present the Jersey government is seeking to become totally independent from the United Kingdom if its way of earning a living (like the other crown dependant islands Guensey and Sark nearby) in terms of being a tax haven is removed by at statute at Westminster that has no representation in the elected house at present from them.

The channel islands have like other locations in the past been t...
he equivilant of English Speaking Genevas who have stored and by having low taxes increased the wealth of individuals and companies so that these amounts can be withdrawn for use in their home nation for shares and businesses, the old adage of wealth being 'passed down the generations' for things such as rail infrastructure, privatised utilities and the like.

However in the past these laws have allowed for arms dealing and funding of related industries outside of lawful defence of nation states under the UN and international law that is recorded so as to prevent arms proliferation and ensure that nuclear energy is regulated by the IAEA.

As such what could happen:

1) Constitutional unity within the Channel Islands in order to stabilise those states under the Crown
2) Absorbtion into the UK as part of a federal constitution with representation

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