Thursday 21 June 2012

Why the uS and UK are right to offer Assad exile from Syria,

1) His country is according to UK news channels at risk of civil war and teh Un monitors are fiding it hard to do their job.
2) A peace plan which allows for fresh elections is better than a coup which if it went wrong in the 'trainsition phase' could risk their military becoming sectarian and carrying on the attrocities or launch a war on Israel over teh Golan rather than the next elected Syrian government seeking negotiations ove r teh territory and regional intergovernmental negotiation over the share of water utilities.
3) On a personal note as a member of a Syrian minority himself he and his family could be targetted.
4) At a later date he could be arrested if indited specifically by a vote at the United Nations to stand trial while in a safe country rather than being killed like the late Colonel Gadaffi.

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