Monday 5 December 2011


The syrians have been criticised by the Arab league at the weekend and they have called on President Assad to quit according to Russia Today.

Egyptians have started to vote on the second round of their parliamentary elections for the lower house of parliament

Russia has voted for teh Duma (parliament) exit polls suggest that Putins ruling party has only had 45 - 49 % of the vote and as such has lost its parliamentary majority.

The United States has been criticised by pakistan for attacking its troops witjin Pakistani territory for which the nuclear armed pakistan is bouycotting the rebuilding Afghanistan conference. As such there is a danger that with support from the CIS Unless Iran complies with nuclear disarmament through Russia and IAEA that Iran and Pakistan become the rogue states as Afghansitan becomes part of a larger CIS (The North Asian equivialant of EFTA) with US and NATO Support. To stop that then the Commonwealth needs to start talks between India, Burma, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka about remaining territorial issues (eg the status of Kashmir) so that perpetual border conflict is replaced with perpetual peace (if that isn't too utopian).

Saturday 3 December 2011

At present the Eurozone is being turned into a fiscal union which means each state within it has to follow stricter guidleines on how they tax and spend. This is a good idea from purely economics but Politically? So to build on stronger forundations I think that there should be a managed global economic default, with infrastructure and assets being retained by each nation state and shareholders according to company law. That way there is less of a depression and sel;fish and destructive economic activity (ie over production of food rsiking dust bowl crops in the succeeding years).

Friday 18 November 2011

The Dutch have called for a strong euro to be created and for those coruntries that are experieincing high interest rates to manage default rather than mass unemployment.

To work with that or seperately there would need to be a default of sovereign debt or assets purchased within the EU by Quantitive Easing to allow the micro economy for non Euro states to survive and prevent fuel poverty this winter in Eastern Europe (though the Russians at oresent have no plans to cut off the supply).

Monday 31 October 2011

How perogative powers are run in the UK, thge Royals can trick and treat, I thought they couldn't

If you think the monarchy is ever out of control in Wales after the Churches disestablishment, get a load of what the Prince can do with his other title as Duke of Cornwall in Todays Guardian.

My other blog offers a solution but its only a best guess as I don't know how county governance or the recent territorial extent bill / act defines transfer of territory from one county to another for the purposes of democratic devolution solely within England.

Daily Mail 31/10/11

Good old beardie has written something on the front page of the Daily Mail I can aggree with. The church is to cut its funding for ISPs that host internet porn. Halleluia and hosanna, could have done it years ago but at least if its done Anglican wide it will have global impact and go to the UN and UNESCO with support from the other charities for children (NSPCC, Childline and oethers depending on how they're funded) and those that campaign against such images (the internet watch foundation and Child online exploitation ctte).

Report any you receive to them and each boroughs licensing committee and the Police. The new federal crime agency and Security service as well for good measure.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

How to give the Russians a present

How I'd press the reset button on Russian relations with teh west
Comprehensive and total nuclear disarmament by all nations so that Iran has no excuses

Resultant economic losses sustained by Russia offset by letting them have prefferred supply and carrying back of nuclear fuel to / from Iran and sharing said fuel supplying with China re North Korea, feeding and heating teh homes of teh poor is more important than whether the cat that does it is black or white to quote a previous Chinese president

Democratic and free elections across the world

Development of the CIS and the economic coperation pacts with Belarus and Kazakhstan announced on Russia Today.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Could Wales win the Rugby in 2015?

In 1999 the English Rugby team was defeated by similar margins to the Welsh in the Rugby world cup yesterday. They won in 2003. So therefore the Welsh could win in 2015 pitentially and on English soil (the 1453 scenario, when Henry Tudor became King of England as Henry VII).

It won't be easy but an English Welsh final is possible.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Mosque vandalism in the Holy Land condemned by a Rabbi
There has been a mosque burned down in Israel / Paelstine. It has been condemned by all faith leaders and teh relevant interfaith forum of Israels head, Rabbi Ron Kronish in a press release.Pardon my taking his name for a moment but for Gods sake don't let this descend into an intifada with tit for tat reprisals.

The Palestinians have accepted in an interview today on Russia Today teh need only to have East Jerusalem and 'two capitals side by side.'As an Anglican Christian and soemone who has studied regional / national / capital government I think on practical grounds both states will need to cooperate to prevent any Berlin farce like situations from the Cold War. Ideally to prevent border walls going through places of worship the territories of Bethlehem Ramallah and Jerusalem should in my opinion be a common metropolitan area.

However that is for the peoples of Israel and Palestine to decide based on the recommendations and elected mandates of their governments

Friday 23 September 2011

UN vote today

Sky at 7am and Russia Today @ 8am British Summer time noted that the Israeli and Palestinian security forces were cooperating bilaterally to ensure any protests / celebrations at the vote in the UN on Palestinian statehood in the Palestinian Territories and along its borders occurs peacefully. This is how it would work if there was said recognition and a common territory of Bethlehem and Jerusalem and Ramallah.

Thus peaceful celebration is a good way of aiding the UN vote and the democratic aspirations of both states against arms smuggling and imported terrorism into their combined territory and has a precedent with the Entente cordiale signed in the last century between The UK and French Republic.

Since then UK and French nationals have served in each others armies and police forces based on where they reside and this could be the precedence for remaining Israeli citizens living in citizens within the bilaterally agreed border of the new state to serve and participate in the Palestinian security forces especially now that Hamas and Fatah are in coalition and thus Palestinian Authoritys state security may no longer be factional.

If it gets dangerous this is one time to go home and not cause a revolt or intifada as today the world is rejecting Al Queada by removing its main grievance, the unresolved status of the Palestinian people since 1967 by aiding the creation of their own state in accordance with the Road Map for a two state solution.

Hence dialogue is the best option following on from todays and subsequent votes at the General Assembly (regarding enhanced observer status) and the security council.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Still no need for an intifada

If the US vetoes the security council resolution for Palestinian statehood expected to be petitioned this week after a speech by the Palestinian President in the UN next week then there is a 'Plan B' accordint o BBC News online. The Palestinans are going to ask the General Assembly where no veto is possible to raise their status at teh UN to enhanced observer status, on a par with the Vatican. This development would ensure that both the Palestinian Authority and the State of Israel could negotiate a two state solution and outstanding issues between them such as ths status of Jerusalem.

On that last point I would suggest that the Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah area become an integrated joint capital area or tri city area with a common security force to aid the residents. However that is a bilateral issue under international mediation which enhanced observer status could bring about.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Keep away from the Israeli peace walls

On Russia Today it has been noted that as defensive measure to prevent the smuggling in of weapons the northern borders and walls of teh Israeli state had been mined.

To prevent anyone actually being injured there the neighbouring states have to police them as well and prevent attempts to cross them until the new Palestinian Stae recognised at the UN can negotiate deviations from them according to International law as a seceding national territory with a track record of democratic devolved administration and referendums wanting statehood. That is teh best way to aid teh twos state solution as I can guess it from England.

Italy Credit rating downgrade

The Italian state has had its credit rating downgraded from an A+ to A according to BBC News 24 today. Before there is global currency speculation and stock exchange speculation against what have been termed by economists the 'PIGS' (Portugal, Italy / Ireland, Greece & Spain) that could cause porblems to the entire Eurozone, lets pause and think.

If third world states can default on what they can't pay back and pay back what they can (termed sovereign debt restructuring) as set out at Gleneagles. Then why not the same for each state within teh Eurozone as set out by the ECB. As their economies contain real people it would make an imporatnt case study to get right and a precedent for the UK to federate its fiscal authority to its devolved primary law making legislatures on the basis of their recent election results and to aid cohesion in the implementation of federal policy as occurs in the USA, Canada and Australia. It would prepare the state for a codified written constitution and teh right of secession by democratic means like occurred with Czechoslovakia. That way Federal Unionism and democratic secessionism could debate under a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary and presidential commonwealth (allowing for co-operation with The irish Republic to develop).

Thursday 15 September 2011

Thoughts and prayers for the mine situation in South Wales. Lets pray that the rescuers vocation in saving life is successful.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Syria and the Arab League

Syria and the Arab League

On Saturday The Arab League agreed with The Syrian state that there would be a cessation in its persecution of protestors after the Russian Foreign Minister called for action to support peace and a more balanced coverage (according to news channel Russia Today).

I hope it lasts.

In international law regional supranational organisations such as the EU and ASEan can mediate on behalf of their member states.

The dilemma faced now is that Assads regime has already been criticised for crimes against humanity. So is a Syrian government with Bashar al assad still as president still possible under international law. Hence earlier comments by UK government ministers that his position was now untenable.
A legal basis for the 1967 border to be altered by bilateral consent
In the constitution of teh Russian Federation is a clause (Article 67.3)3. Borders between constituent entities of the Russian Federation may be changed upon their mutual consent.

So if as Israeli lawyers have argued in the past Israel and Palestine are both the same jurisdiction (though the Palestinians and subsequent peace dialogues have disaggreed with this).The new attempt for UN statehood takes a devolved territory set up under international auspices and referendums (the Dayton, Camp David accords and handshake at teh White house in the 1990s and the two state solution Under President George W Bush and negotiations, particulary in his second term) and turns it into an independent state.

As a seceding state under international law, could Palestine seek its border redrawn with the 'remaining Israeli state' and the territory of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah becoming a jointly administered or UN territory.

In my idealistic heart of hearts yes I'd like the Holy Land Christian again but having been there and read all that I have, visited once and seen how people of twi states and three faiths want to live in peace without Al Queada or threats from Iranian missiles and attempts to drive them into the sea I think that the most that Christendom can get is protection as a minority similar to soem under Uk statute law and Russian federal constitutional law. As Hamas and Fatah are both in coalition perhaps now is the best chance for peace

Borsi and the EDL

After doing some work today in the library and getting the bus to near Grovesenor Square to visit the memorial after the ceremony I walked past an English Defence league group being prevented from making their respects as they were seperated by a blockade from a counter demonstration by Muslims against Crusades. Ok call me naive but couldn't they have picked a better day and couldn't the Mayor of London have chosen a better place to park than by a road by the EDL demonstrators.

Given that teh Muslim world is becomiong democratic and these constitutions need to be shaped to respect the Christian minorities living in these countries (called the Arab Spring) couldn't 9/11 be the time for these groups to make up?

For teh record teh ENglish Democrats are a seperate political party and in their constitution and policies condemn the far left and far right. To prevent the EDP being classed as far right as a former candidate of theirs I should declare that my walking past was accidental and that any violence that may have occurred is seperate from the EDP who may have a seperate matter presently sub judice following visiting a 7/7 memorial event.
CV Template . Other examples in the London area can be obtained from Job centre or European Social Funded projects such as Seetec and initiatives by the new government and the reform of welfare into a universal credit and other related state benefits (such as Housing and Council Tax benefit assessed on the basis of receipt of Income Support or the new universal credit).

This is being done to aid those on long term sickness benefits seek part time employment on the possible way to full time work on the basis of their ability and not seasonal media pressure. These courses are usually available if you are on Employment and Support allowance and optional if you are on Incapacity benefit.

That written sometimes however courses are also run In Greater London at your local boroughs Adult education centres to aid those coming out of full time secondary and FE education, demob from HM Combined Cadet forces, Police Cadets or HM Adult services and those starting new businesses or changing career on the basis of Job centre advice if civilian or charity advice such as help for heroes and the British legion if leaving the armed services or while being in the reserves.

If I can add one thing personally based on life experience and some educated guesswork and the fact that Hillingdon has a NATO base nearby and now UK immigration rules against Commonwealth nationals, while foreign diplomats are governed by diplomatic law and serve at Her Majestys pleasure on government advice and appointment procedures to the Court of St James regulated by the FCO as devolved from Parliament, their military are also similarly governed by post 1945 procedures and conduct. Do not have a go at them for their countries or the UNs decided policies or their relatives and friends and churches / faiths as UK equivilants in other countries operate on similar regulations unless it breaches UK law .

To do so could mean that the world would lose its head at a time when frankly those who can do things and want to live peacefully and democratically the world over are really needed.

Instead as civilians take it through the civilian police force of the relevant part of the UK unless an imminent threat to life. In the UK these can be reported online to the Met Police, The cross community and Christian denomination PSNI in Northern Ireland or MI5 (the UK Security Service) on their report form websites.

I write this as the children of Cold War diplomats are now UK citizens and subjects if still here and settled lawfully living peaceful lives. In an age of allegedly credible threats, lets remember that the majority of public figures relatives live peaceful and lawful lives starting families and being members of the community should they wish to get active in supporting others who lawfully settle here.

With the Royal wedding recently some may serve their ‘homelands’ in the future in their civil service according to that states procedures and ways of recruitment as the next generation takes over, becoming dual nationals and some may not. They have a right to family life as much as UK citizens under the UNC Human rights and the European one and the present Human rights act derived from them. As such they too have legal protection under the laws of the state as well provided they too don’t break the law.

Areas that cause concern are people trafficking, arms smuggling and illegal drugs cartels as these destabilise interpersonal and hence interstate relations which in the past have risked arms races and proliferation. On 9/11 lets remember that and find a better way.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Regime change in Iran?
The middle east peace envoy has said on Sky news that it is probably better if Iran had regime change.
Noting the fact that it has according to preceding OECD reports had democratic elections for seperate state and faith legislatures (however fundamentalist). What grounds are there to remove the regime?
1) The detention of minorities at Camp Ashraf and Iraqi prisoners.
2) Electoral irregularities
3) Withdrawal from and failure to co-operate from Nuclear arms resulation by the IAEA.

Their defence to 3) Is that the civilian nuclear power plants have been or are being regulated bilaterally are now coming online. One of them is providing electricity and so long as it remains in a geologically stable area could so continue and aid the economies in the rest of the region. Surely that is better than a risk to a nuclear air strike the resultant damage could affect the water supply of an entire region and Russia, India and China risking radicalised populations where the Muslim faqith is in the majority.
That is why the Iranian situation, however awful some of their governments rhetoric is an international matter at the UN.

So if anyone is planning anything go for their seperate missile sites to remove their first strike capability but please don't do it Israel as they could hit your civilian reactor and poison the Medditteranean.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Syria and Lybia
The French and Russian Foreign ministers met yesterday to discuss Syria. The French said that recent events were tantamount to crimes against humanity and that the Assad Regime should desist. Said shootings had prevented the head of the Arab league from visiting.
The Russians have called for a different solution to Lybia and that some of the sanctions may be counterproductive (possibly meaning that it could radicalise the population and potentially jeopardise Palestinian statehood)

Re Lybia the convoy south contains those who fought for what was then the lawfully recognised government. Whether they are allowed to dispose of the Gold from said regime (which could include some of the Gold the Uk sold off in 1999) as if mercenaries its their payment from Gadaffi is a matter for international lawyers and whichever state they surrender it to such as Niger or Burkina Faso. Avoid all emails pruporting to advertise ex Bank of England Gold, you could get ripped off.

The American perspective on Syria.
Further to whats written above the US have called for change to occur in Syria. Hence its a very difficult situation to assess from solely open source information on 24 hour news channels. Its therefore given the amount of discussion a matter for teh UN.

One other variable to note is that the Iranians have hooked up their first nuclear power plant to their national grid for civilian nuclear power. Given recent events in Japan if its regulated and is in a geological stable area, could this be something that could help Afghanistan and neighbouring states rebuild peacefully?

Friday 2 September 2011

Turkeys expulsion of an Israeli diplomat

Turkey has expelled a diplomat because its state has refused to apologise for its handling of a protest flotilla to that territory. This isn't Cyprus and the EU, the state concerned is Israel. In these circumstances this will not necessarilly lead to another intifada as such expulsions are temporary and show one governments displeasure of anothers actions on a particular matter. Israel either has had or is having an inquiry on it for its democratically elected legislature and both governments act according to these recommendations and international law.

Another pacific tsunami

Theres has been a tsunami alert after a 7.1 earthquake near Alaska.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

The siege of sirte?

The seige of Sirte?
The Gadaffi hometown of Sirte is being advanced on by the Lybian Transitional Council and some of his family have fled to a neighbouring state. To put it honestly to save life its about time Sirte surrendered or faced street by street warfare or being laid seige too (either of which is not good for the civilian population).

Tuesday 30 August 2011

ECB at teh European Parliament

As the head of the European Central Bank is called to the European Parliament to explain options to halt the spread of debt contagion across the European Union and Euro area, the question to ask is what are the options available to them and how does it impact on the UK with its own currency but membership of the European Union..These are my best guesses as to what can be done:

1) More Quantitative Easing, but this would erode the value of assets in states that have them and cause inflation in those that don’t if spent in the same way as previous issues in certain European states. As such a further segregation between retail, investment, NGO and speculative / multinational investment is desirable and required. In effect the Queen would still have the deeds of Sandringham and the millions in Coutts but they’d potentially be worth a lot less if this further segregation didn’t happen.

2) Split the Euro in two so that those that can support the others remain economically competitive so in effect there are three main currencies in the EU (including Pound sterling). The danger with that is that in its creation or implementation, currency speculation could destabilise the economy even more than keeping the Euro together. However currency separation for Greece, Italy and Portugal, with Ireland having some form of economic cooperation with the UK could be an option if for political and international reasons Uk joining the Euro is not an option.

3) Creating investment bond framework for Europe wide infrastructure projects (such as electrifying rail Line Holyhead- Crewe / Chester) for when more of the deficit is paid back and investment is encouraged.4) Encourage EU and UN member states that have a high enough credit rating (such as the UK) to do 3) on a state by state basis subject to preceding obligations (eg to IMF / World Bank) and present international commitments to help new democracies. Whether that requires the ECB or European Parliament to set targets or that is left to the nation states I do not know the precise answer.

If left to the ECB for the Euro and member states for the rest then federal states outside of the Euro such as the UK can set their treasury guidelines to maintain their international obligations so that their devolved governments can invest in infrastructure such as the Cardiff rail up grade or a passenger service from the East of Anglesey via Llandudno Junction to Balenau Ffestiniog, and a Aberystwyth to Holyhead rail service Via Barmouth and a new line on the Pwlhelli Peninsular and bridge across the Menai or the Glasgow airport rail link or Scotland –Leeds High speed rail line if that distinct legal jurisdiction can set up government bonds for Transport Scotland (its devolved transport body). In the case of London and England these devolved assemblies and at present counties (until England gets her own Parliament) have similar schemes such as Phase Two of the East London Line extension to Clapham and its possible looping via Balham.

The additional rolling stock from Bombardier as an add on to the existing order of that is allowed under EU competition and tendering law. Another one to occur after that is the Croxley rail link proposal to extend the Metropolitan Line to Watford Junction.

Other states of similar size to the EU such as Russia, China, India and USA could potentially have similar devolved fiscal issues unless there is an attempt for sovereign debt restructuring similar to that done for the developing world by the G20 in 2005 in case unexpected events such as weather disturbances upset economic plans and targets and the necessary need to help the poor and aid the new democracies in the Medditeranean, East Africa and elsewhere in the world.

Monday 22 August 2011

Lybian rebels are in Tripoli and the UK and US have called on Gadaffi to stand down as his sons have been captured. Earlier today the Lybian opposition have offerred for Gadaffi to leave the country should he wish.

Best advice to anyone living in Tripoli is stay away from Gadaffis compound

Thursday 18 August 2011

Southern israel shootings

Southern Israel shootings
BBC News online has reported that Israel is investigating shots being fired at it from across its border with Egypt south of the Gaza territory that was handed back in 2005.

This territory was part of Israel in 1948 and is not 'occupied territory.' It is up to the Egyptian democracy to co-operate as part of its peace treaty with Israel in order to stop the loss of life that only fanatics would want in order to stop a new Palestinian state being successful.

It is also why peace walls outside of urban areas have a part to play in making Israel secure if the border is internationally recognised.

This does not negate from a joint status solution for Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah as the Palestinian assembly is next door to a peace wall. Thus from a practical viewpoint it is better for a common security force for that 'tri city area' that has the confidence of all its residents.

I apologise if writing this so quickly after it happened is disrespectful.

A level results today

To all the A level hopefuls today good luck with your exam results. If the fees are too much consider working and study with the Ou or Uni of London External and vocational employment training to fund your way through a college nearby. Under current travel card rules you can still claim a discounted travel card till you are 19.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Israel seeks to build new settlements The Israeli government has reconfirmed that it intends to build 1,600 new homes for 'settlers' in East Jerusal

The Israeli government has reconfirmed that it intends to build 1,600 new homes for 'settlers' in East Jerusalem to reduce teh cost of affordable housing by increasing its supply.

The Palestinians are gainst it but since the Israelis say their motivation is economic could teh Palesitinans build an equal number in Israel or West Jerusalem, purchasing teh ladn under the relevant legal jurisdiction, and then exchange them as apart of a peace negotiation?

Another option would be that as part of teh two state solution, a Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah joint capital city area is established and settlements such as these become diplomat housing for either legislature (Palestinian or Israeli) or any UN presence there. However according to BBC News website at present there are no new peace negotiation initaitives.

Palestine is seeking UN recognition for statehood this September.

Should you be affected by riots earlier in the week

101 Metropolitian police non urgent number to report what you see or if you were involved to give a statement to the police.

0207 230 1212 for areas of England and Wales where that number is not in use.

Going to the Borough civic centre to seek emergency 24 hour housing and social services assessment is an option. The civic centre switchboard number can be found in the phone book or on each boroughs website.

Council housing to be confiscated from Rioters

The government has said that poeple will lose their council homes if they participate in riots and one English county council is being used as a test case. Hence if yuo know anyone who was out in thevening over the past few nights please tell them to co-operate now. Other wise they could lose their housing and related DWP benefits. This is not a game and could leave you in a worse situation.

Friday 5 August 2011

Sweden atom experiment not terrorist

A Swede has conducted a home made radiological experiment, it has not been reported as a terrorist incident. In the UK this is done in labs and is regulated. Even if the world were to completely disarm itself of nuclear weapons there would still be a need for International nuclear regulation for nuclear power in geologically safe areas. As I understand it this is done through nation states and their own legal systems and co-operation.

A point of clarification

The House of Lords is selected by an appointments commission on agreed criteria and statute. Being a peer is decided by the crown upon advice of the College of arms. Both have criteria that prior to seperation were set by the Cabinet Office.

Since the repeal of the right of hereditary peers to sit in the Lords the two are quasi separate as i understand it.

If there is an elected senate after the passing of the bill today according to teh current statutory procedures and constitution for ammending the westminster constitution, then there is still the need for a codified constitution. At present as a possible first step the current government is drafting a bill of rights distinct from European Law for the UK.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Why speculating against the Euro is dangerous

Today European Finance ministers met and the ECB has been stabilising countries where interest rates are higher by buying their governments bonds. These countries within the Euro zone have had higher unemployment and (in the case of Greece and parts of Spain and Portugal) more seasonal economies.

As such there is the option of further economic integration and debt stabilisation within the Eurozone but that would create a two tier Europe as the European Commission and Parliament could get democratic control of the Euro which would undermine the idea of european nation states sharing sovereignty and leave states without the Euro with less control over the European Union. That is why the UK always seeks to meet its international obligations at the IMF and world bank and through that is stabilising the European and International economic system.

Yet the ECB can't buy back the bonds of governments within the Euro indefinitely.

welsh language consultation

The Bank of England is consulting on a welsh language policy for its Agency in Wales. It has four staff members in Wales of whom one is a welsh speaker and as of 2008 has been designated as having to apply the welsh language act for correspondence in welsh in Wales according to the devolved guidelines of the welsh language board as mandated by the elected Welsh Assembly.

Details of the language policy consultation running to August 19th can be found at

The flaws in the argument I posted on Monday.

The counter argument to managed longer repayment of sovereign debt by those countries that can such as the uSA, China, India and Russia is that for those countries that arecurrently well off and thus counterbalance the economic situation (Russia and China) could be economically drained instead of investing in economic activity such as Gas, and electric power based on their technological expertise. It could introduce too mamny variables enabling a futures trader to do a oros and risk the economic stability on the stock exchange unless its set out by global rules and procedures and agreements.

Hence global belt tightening by a cessation of all nuclear weapon programmes is a good idea while any such agreements or ammendments are needed. And if I can give a UK example a review of where troops are recruited from and deployed for the TA in case dissident Republicans start to propagandise that its a return to the B specials and G men in Ulster which it isn't after the Patten reforms and apology for Bloody Sunday. That would set international precedents that could help Russia achieve democratic change and a reduction in hostilities by peace process in its Southern Republics (as its a federal state).

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Northern Rock Results today

Northern Rocks losses are a byproduct of tHe North East of England being dependant on Japanese firms since teh 1980s. Given recent events in Japan the reduction in teh supply of parts for their factories here and resultant job losses on top of reductions in the economy is to be expected. Previous reports on Northern Rock showed that it had since state ownership stopped its 125% mortgages and reinstated responsible lending based on the review of financial services and teh reform of the tripartite system.

Tuesday 2 August 2011


The Syrian government has started to use tanks against its population in the city of Hama. This has been condemned by the UK government. There is a mediated peace process through teh medditteranean Union and teh Arab League and as such the violence should cease. Turkey has provided peaceful mediation in the past as Israel and SYria are in a cold peace and after Lebanon and Gaza withdrawals, a solely Israeli intervention could jeopardise its peace agreements with other states and jeopardise a peace accord with Palestine as it seeks statehood at the UN in September.However any UN led military intervention has to be done after a UN resolution and Chapeter 7 resolution.

How to ensure that there are no panic situations with investment banks and multinational ones like HSBC

HSBC is a multinational bank with a registered HQ in one country but divisions based in other countries and legal jurisdictrions and tax locations like many others. Since the G20 banks such as these are required to hold more cash reserves and investments and lend slightly less and not mortgages at above a certain amount of a persons income.

An example of a bank which didn't do that is Northern Rock wihich didn't do that with 125% mortgages and paid the consequences needing state bailout debt restructuring and loss adjustment (allowing its customers to default with debt advice and support) so that now its shares can be sold off again on the UK states stock exchange should the government be so minded.

However Northern Rock was a mainly one jurisdiction bank and not a multinational one like JP Morgan, Barclays or HSBC. What happens now for banks such as these affected by the East Africa droughts or Australasian Earthquakes, how does the international community ensure that aid and reconstruction continues and is stabilised.

While The previous UK governments tripartite regulation system failed to prevent the last recession it did mitifgate it unlike previous ones where credit spivs and doorsteo lenders exacerbated the microeconomic pain within a jurisdiction. that is because the FSa amalgamated self created and self regulated bodies which were accountable to parliament and the treasury but could not be coordinated under the economic regulations of the day. The FSA is funded by a percentage of share dividends and profits from all those who it regulates so if the World Bank could have a similar body within and offerring full disclosure to it of the danger zones without delay as occurred in the UK prior to Northern Rocks collapse (which created ongoing lending and the long boom 1992-2007). Then it could liase with the UN and teh G20 to produce combined sovereign debt restructuring, longer repayment periods for those that can (such as Sundays compromise for the USA and states of similar economic size such as Russia, India and China) and write off for those that can't (such as agreed at Gleneagles by the G8 in 2005 and followed through with with the G20 in London prior to the last general election) and find ways of reducing teh risks to the investment banks and those who are really 'casinos' to quote the Business secretary Vince Cable by restructuring repayments in a similar way that the futures market did after the Oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. This is especially important if there are more earthquakes or reductions in states GDPs owing to unpredictable transport delays between states (such as Volcanic ash clouds and aviation) as

If that is done then corporations who have the investments of places such as Middle America and Metroland and Germany would be as protected as hard working families who have invested in them are being done now with the speration of retail and investment banking that is already underway. Then the Euro could be sustained with perhaps a period with Greece having its own currency if needed which in turn could allow the pound sterling to survive and sustain the economy peacefully. This is important so that the UK constitution is reformed such as the election of second chamber, codification of the constitution and the resolution of the West Lothian question with an English Parliament and regional cttes based on regional stv voting system for England within the Second Chamber. Within that context there is also the resolution of the status of Scotland following the democratic mandate the secessionist SNP achieved.

They could then in turn aid regional economic recovery in Northern England, Scotland and South Wales with better Transport links sustainably funded through Investment banks investing in Government bonds for projects such as rail both conventional and highspeed. The UK has several projects such as these in the development pool and one of these is Croxley Rail Link where the devolved transport authority for the neighbouring region and county has with it and district / borough / unitary council support and engineering advice by the Federal Rail agency (Network Rail) delivered a submission and public consultation. This one could be a case study for bond issues as the WEstminster MP for Watford has advocated the retention of the land that was to be sold off to fund it for overnight train storage (also post recession its land value may have gone down).

In short as the FTSE opens today there is no need to panic. It is also the case that now Wales has primary law making powers its regional financial regulation should be turned into national status to fund its transport improvements as mandated by the Welsh Sennedd.

Globally World Bank regulation of investment and multinational banks and credit institutions could be funded as the same way as the UK FSA has been with an insurance fund / capital reserves for their restructuring and default in the event of natural disasters such as in east Africa and to ensure that crudely put without waiting for UN accounts to be signed off, aid can get to the poor by trained and aided aid workers and medics. The status of Un financial management is the next potential problem.

Monday 1 August 2011

HSBC job losses

HSBC has announced that it is to cut 25,000 jobs. It is not a panic situation for teh global economy as this bank is one which has teh greatest number of countries in which it operates. It has so far managed to avoid UK government taxpayer support.

With the US government agreeing debt restructuring over ten years of an amount that it will borrow by raising its debt ceiling of its government borrowing by that amount. At the time of state intervention in the banking sector by buying shares previously, the offer of state support was made to HSBC and other banks.

The question to ask is if to maintain cvilian infrastructure in rural locations in other countries is a global private sector institution allowed to use funds gained from one states jurisdiction to subsidise its operations in that state under ultra vires.

If not then HSBC has no option but to go to each nation state individually and make its own job losses in each global institution accordingly. The alternative is for the world bank to regulate multinational financial institutions as well as aid statesbut that might be democratically unpalatable in many countries.

Saturday 9 July 2011

With South Sudan now gaining independence today with the issue of some territory now to be decided peacefully as part of a negotiated settlement by those actually living there, is that the best way for Israel and Palestine to ratify their borders by referendum after negotiation mediated by the quartet?

Tuesday 14 June 2011

time to stop a middle east arms race, NOW

The US secretary of state Hilary Clinton has claimed that there is substantial links between Iran funding the Syrian regime. In order to prevent regional arms race in the middle east with nukes for Saudi and more for Israel, could this matter go to the United Nations? Otherwise other states elsewhere in the world might start spending their aid budgets in the same way and that would negate the relative peace and progress since the end of the cold war.

Friday 3 June 2011

FSA leaflets
Helpline: 0300 500 5000
Typetalk 1800 1 0300 500 5000
Part of the Consumer financial education body
Their leaflets on setting up bank accounts, mortgages, pensions and savings
I'll be retyping for this blog over the summer with their useful contacts as well.
They are not qualified advisors and don't make recommendations themselves and any advice you seek should be with a body regulated with the Financial Services Authority and Bank of England. Their leaflets contain explanations for financial words themselves.

Financial Services Authority (FSA)
Consumer Helpline: 0845 606 1234Minicom / textphone 0845 730 0104

Tuesday 17 May 2011

If A stock is too old

If the A stock is unadaptable to 3 rail current collection. then either teh 4 rail format could be put back to Watford Junction and South Hampstead from its Harrow and Wealdstone- Kilburn High Road limits or the outgoing Circle Line C stock or District Line D Stock could run in 4 carriage format. The D stock is the most recent and therefore its with longer carriages might have sapce for current shoes and wheel adaptation. Plus its been driven on one of the most multicultural staffed tube lines, including many Irish, as was noted by the last London Mayor.

It could therefore be a way in tough economic times and as an act of reconciliation between the islands for HS2 construction to occur with minimum disruption which would aid regional regeneration and manufacturing in South Wales, Scotland and Northern England. The choice of which trains to recycle like this is in the hands of teh TfL board chaired by the present Mayor of London.

Sunday 15 May 2011

If i were writing the 2012 transport manifesto then this would be it

Transport manifesto for the GLA and London Mayorality 2012

1) Continue with the building of Crossrail with extra branches to Tring and St Albans Thameslink via links from Old Oak Common Interchange station for HS2 (building to begin of that sooner than 2018 opening of Crossrail so as to minimise disruption to Great Western Line and allow for better services when Euston is rebuilt for HS2.
2) Also build Croxley Rail Link if Dft and Transport and Works Approved after public consultation.
3) Prepare Airtrack construction and consultation with Transport and Works Act and depot in Feltham
4) Diesel Tram train or Class 172 Diesel train service West Ealing to Greenford, with possible extension to new platform at West Ruislip via Central line during peak hours, with future extension via Chiltern line to Gerrards cross and south Harefield station as section 106 for High Speed Two.
5) Support the rest of the Network Rail SE Rail study and Greengague 21 proposals for HS2 (particulary rail service to Derby and Sheffield on High Speed 2 and link line in West Midlands to Birmingham-Derby line.
6) Possible use of Metropolitan Line A Stock on Watford Junction- South Hampstead to augment LO rolling stock and allow some of it to be used on Barking- Gospel Oak electrified service to run on to Stonebridge Park and be stabled there.
7) Balham loop for London Overground to use some more rolling stock.
8) Chingford- Stratford service for London Overground after the Olympics to allow commuting to the new office blocks from day 1.
9) Adapt HST slam door carriages to driver operated automatic doors as on similar Irish, Australian, New Zealand and Chiltern Railway rolling stock.

Saturday 23 April 2011

The problems with the current internship system

However the way that internships operate at present is ad hoc and unclear and offers prefferential treatment to teh privately educated unless you contact the Constituency MP or local authority formally first and request to do work experience and ask for the full contract of employment and terms and conditions.

It does not fully apply to church and crown because they are the permenant institutions of the UK and that is the case for a British Bill of Rights. I agree with a bill of rights for the UK but because international law requires full behaviour according to civilised norms to prevent evils such as exploitation of others and torture and genocide and teh best way for that to be facilitated is democracy in my opinion to solve the middle east peace process permenantly.

The reason why I say safe and secure housing is that an employemnt track record in a government department is a better qualifier for housing and subsequent employment in UK cities if internships are only temporary under the current housing benefit reforms if that benefit is not allowed for full time students (as was put about by the NUS in the 1990s). That is why some privately educated students opt for external study or part time and combine it with employment to keep an employment record between internships.

internships as equality of opportunity

If there are internships for govt departments they have to be housed and that requires secure and safe premises to ensure equality of opportunity. There has to be contracts of employment, salaries for time there and travel passes and rail fare to get to the location where they are staying. Only then would there be genuine equality of opportunity.

And for this The elected parliaments and assemblies also count as government departments.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Welsh railways as way to economic recovery

Welsh railways as a way to economic recovery
The Welsh railways in the Railway magazines
At present the welsh assembly has achieved a lot in terms of railways since its first term of office in 1999.
In summary:
Line and maintenance depot upgrades
New lines though some came in over budget
A station for Cardiff International airport and a rail service from there to Bridgend and Cardiff
Improved service provision on present infrastrucuture in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, with proposals fro line reopening from Carmarthen to Lampeter Parkway.
Trial service franchise to London Marylebone from WrexhamAssembly government preparations for rail reopenings and service improvements on Anglesey and the remaining Blaenau ffestiniog branch.

AlsoThe UK government on St David’s Day committed itself to rail electrification from Paddington to Cardiff and to investigate in conjunction with new trains that could run in Diesel mode as far as Swansea with more fast services from there to Bristol and Manchester to make up for the fact that there would only be one train an hour Paddington service.The Transport secretary also committed further investigation into whether there would be further electrification, train and infrastructure improvements to the Cardiff and Newport valleys network, subject to new trains being obtained and obtainable by the Welsh Assembly’s devolved transport authority.

This is based in part on an academic study by Cardiff university.However The one train an hour service to Aberystwyth has been delayed by problems with the late 1990s introduced signalling system, developed from an obsolete version on the European Rail networks (not used by its high speed rail trains that are about to run to St pancras I think) and for trains with differing underfloor / axle layout.If the service frequency improvements were to occur then the business case for the two additional stations with one at Bow St would be enhanced as part of the next all Wales franchise or devolved taxation or bond issues initiated by the Welsh assembly government. However whether ERTMS (the signalling system in question) is what is required for this is beyond my expertise. I think however that conventional signalling could deliver said service improvements by activating the built dovey Junction loop more effectively but that would require assessment by the Dft and the Welsh Assembly Government.

The methods by which that and the valley lines upgrades are assessed could be used as templates for further services to be upgraded and new lines built (such as to Lampeter) and for the employment of Uk citizens and welsh residents in its construction.James WareInformation for this based on reading Rail magazine Issue 667 and Modern Railways April 2011.

Monday 11 April 2011

Japan saved from another nuke risk but tsunami alert is in place.

Tsunami alert for the Pacific again as another earthquake has hit Japan. The Fukishima nuclear plant is stable however even though the epicentre is in the same prefecture (borough / county in UK language).

Tuesday 5 April 2011

It isn't just 16-18 year olds that see a reduction in council tax and housing benefit. These are the other criteria that are laid out on the mailing that they give existing residents.Other deductions from housing benefitNon dependant deductionsFor the first time since 2001, the government are increasing non department deductions from April 2011. Non dependant deductions are reductions in Housing benefit and Council tax benefit because the customer has another adult / other adults, other than their partner, living in their household, who would be expected to contribute towards the rent and council tax depending on the non dependant’s level of incomeThe weekly non dependant deduction rates in Housing Benefit from April 2011 are: In receipt of Pension Credit: NoneIn receipt of assessment phase Employment and Support allowance (ESA IR) NoneIn receipt of main phase ESA (IR) £9.40Aged under 25 and on income support or Jobseekers Allowance (JSA IB) NILAged 25 or over and on Income Support or JSA £9.40Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work (16 or more hours a week)Gross income less than £122 £9.40Gross income £122-179.99 £21.55Gross income £180-233.99 £29.60Gross income £234-309.99 £48.45Gross income £310-386.99 £55.20Gross income £387 or more £60.60The weekly non dependant decucation rates in Council Tax Benefit from April 2011 are:In receipt of pension credit NILIn receipt of Employment and support allowance NilIn receipt of income support or Job seekers Allowance NIL Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work (16 or more hours a week)Gross income less than £180 £2.85Gross income £180 – 309.99 £5.70Gross income £310-386.99 £7.20Gross income £387 or more £8.60 If you have any questions about Housing or Council Tax Benefit, the answer may be on the local authority website or contact the benefits teamBenefits team,Adult social care, health and housingLondon Borough of HillingdonPO Box 458, Uxbridge, UB8 1HN01895 556666Call in the main reception in The Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 They are open to the public between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday(JW: The ticket to be seen at initial reception is by the automatic doors at the top of the stairs from the square where apart from St Georges day the flag of England doesn’t fly.After that and a wait of usually up to an hour (depending on the queue length) you are seen at the interview desks. They can scan in documents and give copies of the information you provide.)

Monday 28 March 2011

DWP guidelines on earning limits while disabled

DWP guidelines on earnings for the disabled According to leaflet BF140 (2011) the following will apply as of April 2011 If you are looking after children your spouse, civil partner or person looking after your children or qualifying young persons can earn is £205 a week child =under 16 Qualifying young person = 16, 17, 18, 19 who you are getting child benefit for.a pension from an employer usually counts as earningsPension income over £85 a week may be taken into account when TheDWP decsion maker works out how much money is due. Permitted work is allowed if you are on INcapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance, National Insurance Credits and Income SupportYou can work for less than 16 hours a week and earn up to £95 a week for 52 weeks orearn up to £95 each week for as long as your illness and disability is considered sufficiently severe that you are treated as meeting the threshold of incapacity without undergoing a medical assessment orwork and earn up to £20 a week at any time for as long as you are on the benefit ordo supported permitted work and earn up to £95 a week for as long as you are on the benefit SUPPORTED PERMITTED WORK MEANS 'work that is supervised by someone who is responsibile for arranging work for people with disabilities and is employed by a public or local authority or a voluntary organisation.If you want to do permitted work then you need to fill in form PW1 and that can be requested from the job centre or the office that deals with your benefit. Post subject: Re: Amounts you can earn in 2011 while on benefits from which you can deduce that for those who are ill shareholdings in companies and privatised utilities can be beneficial when younger as well as pensions and living in rented accomocation with proper legal and financial opinions on both. The resulting extra earnings can be legally taxed and invested and where necessary if you are under a legal power of attorney placed in a blind trust so that you can still stand for elected office in the real world (e.g. Student Union Presidents and NUS officials on disability living allowance as opposed to FE students on Education and Maintenance allowance which is being reformed this week after lawful protest by people who in the eyes of the law can be deemed children). Just thought I'd put that up so as to reduce the number of anarchists in the next recession. Pity I was never told that while at school or full time uni. Time to change the curriculum methinks.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Whty HS2 should run to Heathrow now in my opinion

Is HS2 the right route?
Why the HS2 needs to be diverted to reach Heathrow from a very selfish perspectiveWhy I think it is time for a St Marys CE primary in the parish of South Ruislip

1) The Church of England is still the established chruch of teh whole United Kingdom under the federal legislature, hence the notion that Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are devolved nations, rather than 'united kingdom states'so as to aid ther conversion through peaceful persuasion of the whole isles back to the true chruch of Augustine and Canterbury.

2)There have been interdenominational initiatives recently and more housing is proposed on the old Express dairies site.

3) The Roman Catholics have a primary already and their ex students end up in better positions through serving the worldwide church and better language education; though prior to statutory regulation some of its funding was questionable owing to the way teh Cold War and global Christian chivalric orders worked prior to getting permenant observer status in the UN.

4)Since the end of the Cold War when that allegedly ended other faith primaries have been based on them and CofE primaries elsewhere in the Borough to allow the other faiths of teh Commonwealth to be taught.

5) In my opinion it should be on Field End Primary School as Deanesfield is next door to a state secondary school so could be more difficult to achieve and Bourne could be rebuilt over a Heathrow spur for HS2 in 15-20 years time or after it is constructed unless teh consultation now going on modifies teh route so it serves Heathrow in the first instance with Central Line branch from Northolt to the airport and underground stabling facilities for teh extra trains under the C and L country club and stations at Polish War Memorail (SW corner) Hayues End, and Stockley Park. Airport workers need to get to their jobs and a GLA and devolved English Parliamentary bond issue would deliver sustained investment to achieve this.

6) The Score group is evil and must be stopped by proper refferral to state education not teh use of under 18 students in any form of education (or outside of it as both are illegal under EU and UN law) for inappropriate modelling. The people to forward concerns to are teh Met Police Vice Squad and MI5 (not MIHigh) to instruct the staff intranet Hillingdon grid to stop it, and not become models themselves (mothers and teachers should be respected not used like the Trojan group does esp 30 and 40up)

7) I am sick to teh back teeth of other CofE parishes in Ruislip and the North of the borough getting prefferential treatment because they have church primaries which send students to the church secondary who choose to do so which gives them more students and worshippers over time. To stop the far right and curtail teh remnants of the far left from teh Krogers time it is time to aid points 1 and 2 and allow for sustainable housing for Anglicans from across teh world and especially New Zealand and Australia over a HS2 route to Heathrow on teh C and L country club site and on the Dairies Site. If necessary this would create the need for two parishes. Most of all I detest nonconformists who seek to perpetuate teh status quo to keep their non disabled children on the social which curtails suatainable housing development anmd the necessary supporting infrastructure

8) I will never give my life over to Jehova, the papacy or anything else as I wish to work as a non stipendiary minister on UK state disability benefits for the restoration of teh Anglican Chruch accross the whole of Britain and Ireland through peaceful and democratic means for the reign of King William V (who should succeed the throne of the UK over his father The Prince of Wales). I have reaffirmed my baptismal promises for myself and if necessary to remove the stigma of infantilism some orthodox tehologians can use will seek to be confirmed again, this time in the Diocesan Cathedral or St georges Chapel.

9) St Marys RC Primary doesn't have the monopoly of the name in the Borough of Hillingdon and its ex students can't run social services as they see fit.I am 30 years oldLong live the One true Anglican Communion.James Andrew Ware

Friday 25 March 2011

article on electoral reform

Electoral reform: Why I’m agreeing with AV for the commons and recommending STV for the House of Lords within the current UK constitution and as part of achieving an English Parliament and a federal UK.James A. WareThe election of May this year brought the first formal peacetime coalition government since 1945 against a background of potential economic uncertainty and reforming the constitution following the 1997 referendums on devolution, the Good Friday agreement and devolution to Greater London. It brought two parties together to work in the national interest. As part of that agreement a referendum on electoral reform is scheduled for May this year and options for House of Lords reform are due to be published soon. This article seeks to explain why I think AV for the Commons and STV for the elected part of the second house would be good for democracy especially given the recent 2009 European Election result in which in terms of seats won UKIP came second and as such can claim a mandate to keep the UK together democratically and other elections where the elected mayors have also come from minor parties.AV is a majoritarian system rather than wholly proportionate (such as STV or dehondt). The voter votes for the candidates in order of preference. If after the first prefferences are counted no single candidate gets 50% of the vote the candidate with the least votes gets their second preferences counted and then each candidate with the least votes gets the same until a candidate has over 50% of the votes cast and is declared the winner. In the proposed system candidates still stand in single member constituencies but the number will be reduced to 600 from 650 MPs for the House of Commons.Advocates of AV agree that the current system is flawed and see that the new system will build a coalition based government but based on the majority will of the voting population in more elections than now.Opponents of AV see that it could let in more extreme parties or disturb the two party system. I disagree with that as that can be dealt with by ensuring that there is an election threshold of 5-10% of the total votes cast or voting population in the constituency depending on advice from psephologists and election lawyers. Then politicians standing from minor parties would be encouraged to be councillors or elected mayors locally or in city / county / devolved governance to get more votes and experience first. Thus someone like the Mayor of Doncaster or Ray Mallon could conceivably become an MP or at least not lose their deposit and accou7ntable and representative governance at the ballot box would receive representation in the Governing House of Commons in line with the traditions of the UK Parliamentary democracy from which the government drawn from it advises the monarch and she it and there are two established churches of which the Church of England advisesThis will force local parties to have clear guidelines on selecting candidates and reduce the chances for MPs expenses or similar scandals which will reduce the hurt to them and their families without the need for continental style privacy laws and a one law for them and one for the rest of us culture emerging. Instead a simple British Bill of Rights enforced by the Supreme Court would ensure equality before the law.And to aid the process and provide clear legal advice in line with the workings of the UKs historic Common Law system, Supreme Court Justices could sit ex officio in the second chamber as part of its appointed 20% (agreed cross party in a Commons vote in the 2005-10 parliament) and advise on legalities and precedence in line with a codified written constitution.STV is the system I think would work for the Senate / Reformed Lords based on the National / English Regional boundaries used for European Parliamentary Constituencies. Like AV constituents vote in order of preference. However the constituencies would be multi member and as such there would be a threshold of that number of seats of the total votes cast as the threshold for election. Those candidates who secure the first preference totals above that are elected and then the candidate with the least number of votes has their votes reallocated on the basis of second preferences. If the total number of seats elected past the threshold is reached counting ceases, if not the next candidate has their second preferences counted and so on until the seats are elected. If necessary if there is a lot of minor party candidates and as such a lot of candidates whose votes are reallocated, third and subsequent preferences are counted in subsequent rounds of counting.The advantages of this system is that it builds on the Northern Irish and Republic of Ireland system for electing MEPs and the new system for electing Scottish Local government secured by the 2007-11 Scottish Parliament Government after consultations by previous ones. As such it is not an alien system to the UK and until the principle of one person per vote per constituency was established for the Commons in 1948, was used for the university seats of Oxford and Cambridge for the House of Commons. STV would allow parties to select by open primary within a region / Nation of the whole population (or its members depending on how democratic the party wants to be in its candidate selection) and as such would facilitate the following:-Regional support and resource and expertise sharing both between MEPs of the same party and between parties on matters that are important (such as energy and infrastructure development) which will keep the cost of the second chamber down-Regional Grand Cttes to use any residual powers from the 1997-2010 New Labour Governments experiment with regional assemblies for England democratically and in consultation with County / Devolved city (West Midlands, Greater London and Manchester) and Borough / District governance democratically- Perhaps the elected component in time becoming The MEPs or vice versa institutionally or individually depending on how streamlined the European Union becomes in times of Economic austerity or institutional reform.This could aid those who have been successful in previous careers becoming politicians and advising legislation from a ‘real world’ perspective. They are the 26 Lords Spiritual of the Church of England consisting of the Archbishops of the two provinces of Canterbury and York, The Bishop of London as the third most senior and 23 other in order of longest time consecrated a Bishop, possibly to that see. Further the other church and faith leaders as defined by appropriate registration and laws under the principles established for religious toleration in Cromwells Commonwealth, the 1688 Invitation to William Of Orange and Mary Stuart to replace James II and the Act of Union between England and Scotland for Religious toleration within Judeau Christian relations and between the churches which with common law in other Imperial then Commonwealth jurisdictions and legislation introduced in the post second world war period applies to other faiths who have settled in the UK could be part of the appointed element as well as Supreme Court Justices (Outlined above)This would leave the anomalous position of crossbenchers and Gordon Browns government of all the talents idea whereby appointed Peers for doing a matter of importance to the government by virtue of expertise would be appointed to be resolved. If this continues it should be term limited to one parliamentary term of five years, with the option of renewal as occurs with other public figures (such as the Governor of the Bank of England and the heads of some government departments and agencies such as the BBC). Under the new system these Appointed senators should be paid the same as the rest of the elected ones unless they are supreme court justices who as members of a professional body may need to have their wages checked as should all peers / senators against outside and offshore earnings to ensure no more expenses scandals and due parliamentary process. This would ensure that Parliament could once again advise the monarch and also stand up for their faith or none if the first in line to the throne still wishes to disestablish the church of England in favour of defending all faiths or whether that was just being weasel worded in the 1990s when he was breaking up with his first wife.The position of the position of Monarch as head of state should be decided by the federal parliament on the basis of the election manifesto of the majority party in the House of Commons and ratified by constitutional referenda by the whole UK. How this is resolved with other states that have the same head of state is not something I am privy to. There is no such thing and nor should there be as the English Republican Army as if Sinn Fein, The SNP, Plaid and Merbyn Kernow can stand in elections, then so should other people that have republican opinions according to the rule of law. The line of succession is currently decided by Parliamentary guidelines and the Act of Settlement.The anomaly with this system is that currently there is no English Parliament within the UK equal to the Scottish and Northern Irish ones and the Welsh and Greater London Assemblies currently have less powers as they come from a differing legislative settlement and history of union with England. In my opinion with the status of Monmothshire now resolved at the last Welsh Assembly (2007) election and Berwick by academic test referenda, it is time for their to be an English parliament. That should be achieved by online debate, public meeting and persuasion on the media according to the rule of law.

Thursday 24 March 2011

There is no need for an initifada

Yesterday there was a suicide bombing in Jerusalem.The civilian police force of Israel in conjunction with the Palestinian authority are investigating the matter after it was condemned by both the Israeli PM and the Palestinian Authority Prime Minister.There is no need for the pointless loss of life that another intifada would bring.

Sunday 20 March 2011

first day today

Assisted distributing communion today for the first time. It was in the parish church of the parish where I live.

Friday 11 March 2011

the pacific wave dilemma

the pacific wave dilemma
The tsunami alert was rescinded this morning for New Zealand and Taiwan. BBC News 24 a moment ago had a headline saying that it is going to the entire Pacific region.How are two diverging statements like this reconciled?The tsunami is a wave off the Coast of Japan. Like a mirror this can reflect in a given direction as well as the original east heading wave across the Pacific. As such the wave is picked up on weather and GPS sattellites and can be monitored by weather bouys on uninhabited rock islands on route, learned from the Tsunami of 2004.

This has refined predictions that have been developed from Ice core predictions taken from the Arctic, Russia, Canada and teh Antarctic. the decision to invest in such research has historically been taken by nation states upon the advice of their intelligence agencies and co-ordinating and cooperating bodies. Now input comes from observer status for the International Atomic Agency and the relevant professional bodies that have observer status at the UN.Other research methods that have been used to attempt to predict earthquakes are bouys sent into volcanic magna in the past three decades and thermal imaging satellites.

The UK has not had earthquakes of this magnitude and its nuclear plants are not at risk of explosion.
The question to ask is can nuclear plants be sited in earthquake zones safely and if so can an earthquake cuased radioactive fire be put out as quickly as occurred today.

Also what are the risks of aftershocks in the wider Pacific Rim following an earthquake of the magnitude of 8.9 (the earthquake Richter scale limit)

Big Society should not have limits

Praying for the Pacific as theres been an Earthquake near Japan. MSN has given a Tsunami alert and a Uk radio station carried a message that there is a tsunami 10m high. Alert for Australia, Central, South America, New Zealand, and teh Pacific region as of 9am GMT.

Will the Big Socoiety mean that populations from Commonwealth states and Pacific Islands be granted refugee status and citizenship in the EU, particulary those from the islands with low height above sea level?

That is why there needs to be an amnesty on illegal immigrants already here and support for their community and faith (particulary Anglican, ok I'm biased and its the culturally appropriate faith of Britain to quote multiculturalism against and in favour of it) associations. Better that than a return to a nineteenth century underfunded state.

However Australia and New Zealand are nearer and in some cases the legal owners of some of the outlying Islands based on theor historic better linguistic education for the region to their populations.The aid effort is directed by charities with the relevant aid experience under the auspices of the DEC as it is non sectarian and has the relevant experience drawn from aid agencies and charities in the UK. Is it time for this to become a UK federal state agency?

If you read this blog in that area get to land above the tsunami height or onto boats that can withstand that wave. The former is better than the latter unless the type of boat can withstand the wave or there are buildings over the wave heights length that have foundations built on the rock to withstand the wave (legal term appropriate building regulations).

Saturday 5 March 2011

Re the LSE Director quitting

In defence of my dads old bossIf you think that the Lybian funding of Uk higher education is bad, think about it from the following perpespectives:

1) In the nineteenth century when unregulated and funded by the criminal underworld it produced Marx and Hegel and similar systems elsewhere in Europe produced Hitler and the Nazis. Would you want another one like Idi Amin or Pol Pot or Mugabe?

2) The American Ivy League is just as bad and they cross subsidise their countres smaller unis.

3) The Soviets were even worse, look how their methods affected those that implemented them in terms of their health (Kruschev and Andropov who were ruthless in teh ways that they obtained their information)3b) They learnt their methodologies of of the UK in WW2

4) Statutory regulation of university funding and publication of donatiosn has been attempted many times in the past and always vetoed as detrimental to the national interest, why?

5) My best guess is that its because those institutions with the know how use funds from foreign nations to fund courses on them for the fostering of international cultural links and to aid the poor of London to get jobs and skills (eg Birkbeck and Goldsmiths Cert HEs for those who are actually working in the UK economy lawfully as a way into higher education). Plus some of their certificates have important societal uses. To put it crudely. If the LSE has acted as a ammanah slush fund to fund non militant Immans studying and archeaology in North Africa, whats the problem, the methodology was being used concurrently by The Al Queada enemy for their madrassas

5b) My next best guess is that when this found out or the use of uni power by the crown, the Chancellorships and patronships get rotated by differing members of the Royal Family. Hence the need for universities based on regulated submissions to them and external studentships for those who live within the UK.

6) This has been subverted by people, gangs and other states intelligence agencies to send their agents over on student visas. The reason it is tolerated is that has been used to stop things that they all think are evil such as Militant Islam and terrorism. Some of their methods are illegal and the people you report them to are the Met Police counter terrorism and vice squads, their own embassies, the Foreign and Commonwealth office and the Court of St James.7) Having seen how this operated can you blame him for wanting to get it regulated to prevent vile manipulations of the financial systems against small states and the unsustainability of intelligence agencies and some of their methods.
Why the Bank governor is rightWhen banks are too big to fail they are bailed out by the state and unsustainable investments continue as occurred in Soviet Russia. This is what did for the Uk economy in the late 1960s-70s with uncontrolled inflation when others in Western Europe were building their economic recoveries on the basis of sustained post war reconstruction.Hence proper regulation is required especially with credit. Froman economic intelligence perspective small states can set up companies, lawfully invest and use loans for a time and then collapse another economy using unregulated stock exchanges. Hence is there a need for an EU wide Companies House style regulation of Company directors?

This is needed to protect those who invest in their companies similarly to savers and to prevent the next recession wiping out the banking system. The method of that was credit card borrowing by said states faith and community individuals on the basis of recommendations from their groups and to undermine the way teh UK state operates. Hence lower credit card limits and mortgage borrowing as income percentages are needed to be kept in order to prevent inflation and allow for controlled economic advice bankruptcies.

Debt relief orders are needed to be kept for those who are elderly and disabled and on state benefits with better financial advice for them so as to stop them investing in bad business models or unsustainbly large big society projects that don't factor in the potential of a slower repayment of the bank bailout debts owing to the situation in North Africa and any humanitarian aid required to stop Gaddaffi starving his population. Hence any seized assets under the UN sanctions resolution should be spent on humanitarian aid now.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Hillingdon English Democrats in Uxbridge

The English Democrat candiadates form the last general election Cliff Dixon and Roger Cooper are canvassing today in Uxbridge to secure signatures for their petition to get an elected mayor for Hillingdon and a second petition for a referendum on withdrawal from the Europeanm Union. The first petition has 1,500 signatures and needs a total of 9,800-10,000.They can be contacted at

Monday 24 January 2011

An assessment on Israel Palestine

I have not watched TV for over a year and this is based on UK Radio and newspaper (Guardian 24/01/11) coverage.

Why the peace in the Middle East can and should continue.
1) The Palestinian authority prime minister has advocated the biggest yerusalem in Jewish history. This is an act of statesmanship from his perspective if the two sides do not want an international peace presence that could bring troops that with the best of intentions couldn’t keep the peace or have international legal guidelines and rules of engagement that are watertight.
2) The Israelis accepting the praise of Har Homar and as a gesture of peace being prepared to offer that as settlements, perhaps for allowing the reconnection of Jerusalem and Bethlehem (important for Christians).

In short both sides at that time are already really close to an agreement that could work. The new Israeli government needs to embrace these terms if it is not prepared to offer a Tri city area of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah under joint jurisdiction with both states sovereign legislatures sitting in there respective parliament buildings and international observer forces aiding that. Such orders are:
Swiss Guard
Knights Templar
Order of St John which heals with a hospital in Jerusalem and declares itself an observer at the UN.
Red Cross / Crescent movement that operate across the world with similar obejectives.

But in operational decisions on day to day matters should defer to properly drawn up rules of engagement for the legal authority of the world, The United Nations as successor to the League of Nations that granted the United Kingdom the international mandate after world war 1. Other NGOs that I know of that aid this process are the Disasters Emergency Ctte and UNESCO / UNICEF. The killing of pilgrims is as evil as the killing of residents in a place of pilgrimage as much as at any time which is one reason why no people has ever managed to hold onto it. That is why Islamic extremism is wrong as much as the Holocaust was and moderation and toleration between faiths is what is required.

If its allowed a special ctte of the UN would be required to deliver this constitution and rules of engagement voted on at the UN and agreed by referendum of their states respective populations.

In the EU there is a legal principle that if a house or road has to be rebuilt out of damage or for infrastructure reasons, the owners are compensated. This may sound statist but to fail to prevent another intifada from outside interests such as Al Queada by any state or church or faith or sect for selfish reasons would be and I’m gonna be absolutely candid, pure evil. This is especially the case if Iran, Israel, India and Pakistan don’t disarm their nukes along with the rest of the world as all are now trying to develop peaceful civilian fuel in geologically safe areas.

To conclude Churchill had a saying that democracy was the least worst of all the systems. If the new Israeli government doesn’t learn from this disclosed information and works with Mr Abbas, would Hamas win ground democratically. Those with the knowledge as to whether they are prepared to renounce or amend their founding charter that promises to wipe Israel from the map had better make an assessment that reading one article in the press I cannot. It is not a crime to say I don’t know I’ll have to check if it stops another intifada. Lets remember that Northern Ireland saw both sides commit to exclusively peaceful means and elections and referenda. I challenge Hamas to do the same and the Arab world to aid peaceful purchase of any settlements in Palestine should a two state solution require that and the government of Israel to do the same for any settlements outside of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah or within Israels pre 1967 boundaries should the two sides want to be neighbours across a border rather than next door. That would be better than another Kosovo and could aid dialogue and defeat Al Queada.

James A. Ware