Friday 31 August 2012

Asthe non aligned worldcallsforthe removalofweapons and Irand to behave itself by not denying teh holocaust and Syria to seek peace,the question toaskis what next for Israel and Palestine,can teh status of Jeruslamen and Bethlehem and Ramallah be reconciled as part ofthe two state solution as the common capitalarea,like the multiplediocese Greater LondonAuthority.

If my terminology teh tri city area is tooprovocataive inthe eyes of Americans beacause it remembers New York and 9/11then other terms might be:

Episcopal city ( with faith input through an interfiath christian councilmaking representations toteh cttes and municpal capital authority,similar to Churhces together or the ArchbishopsCouncil)

Greater Jerusalem Area

Tri city metropolis

Metropolitan area (too fixed towards one form of church and might be viewed with suspicionby the chief imman of teh Domeofteh Rockand the Rabbis alike)

Hence any form of capital region needs clear written constitution and democratic elections and teh ability to call evidence from all faith communities).

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