Thursday 30 August 2012

The church of england is not heading in a direction I can agree with though it is being done lawfully through synod in accordance with the synods of other Anglican churches. I am there fore converting to Orthodox christianity or Unitd Synagoguge Judaism for ordination or vocational work and language training if allowed for work overseas as Ich bin untermenchen having been sectioned when applying f...
or SIS in the past and I now know and disagree with the historic methods of teh UK wafffen (MI5).

The issues I disagree with:
women in the episcopate as it goes against the last supper as retold for two millennia

gay and lesbian clergy and cicil partnerships within places of worship.

usuary both absolute and relative practiced gloablly as a form of population control

TO conclude we are more than the sum of our upbringing and learning
I don't like other churhces but have sympathy with the ordinariate and roman catholic churches in Uxbridge.

Under equal opps law I would like to volunteer at St Pauls Cthedral as I would like to be a tour guide there and they celebrate the Eucharist, if they consecrate a female bish I quit and get myself admitted to a psychiatric hospital for failing to earn a living as a son of a freeman of city of London(yes those codes exist and form the basis of modern civil and income law though apply to everyone not just bankers). Plus they celebrate the Eucharist and some fo teh feamle clergy are my age and marryable unless they want teh episcopate for themselves.

I've failed to stop the production of score group photography that is illegal ( anyone who sees or gets it or anything like it should send it to teh IWF (Internetatch foundation and the child exploitation and online protectiona agency). Again ich bin untermenchen

I am only on state benefits and want that to be the case ad infinitum till I get assisted suicide for the above opinions as they are against the head of this countries faith Elizabeth our governor.

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