Saturday 18 August 2012

soveriegn debt restructuring, key concept

So what is sovereign debt restructuring?
Mr James Ware
Disclaimer: This is polemical personal understanding having studied and listened to radio 4 FM (BBC) with no TV and only satellite TV in the public library, and needs researching.

1) C...

Sovereign debt is the amount each country owes other countries, its overspend from tax receipts, and prior to Gleneagles global multinational banks that helped fund both sides in the Cold War, the old saying money is a weapon of war. At the time though the Soviets deposits used open funding through their Politburo and majority country (RSFSR) funds from economic development zones to cross subsidise international development zones such as the Warsaw pact and through hearts and minds winning exercises to fund marxist post colonial governments

Though in some instances aid created unplanned international development in unsustainable ways, such as Idi Amins 6 lane highways for farmers lorries in underdeveloped areas where population didn’t require that, this is what combined with the rule of law, helped to stop police state reprisals, though the soviets did so themselves prior to Glasnost in their own country (Solzhenistzin and the Chechens in Stalins Gulags)

Soviet background to the Concept

The Soviet Union was made up of fifteen states at the UN, and its Russian seat was occupied by the federal government (USSR), hence as part of post 1989 reforms of world governance the RSFSR government which was used as the aid agency for much of this aid, using tax receipts from its economic zones as Konigsburg / Kaliningrad and St Petersburg amongst others, got the federal seat and the CIS became the advisory observer like the UK Commonwealth. However when grain crops failed and were overdeveloped, these funds reduced unplanned forcing illegal activities such as people trafficking, drugs smuggling and the like by client states and revolutionary guerrilla forces on both sides in Latin America.

USA background to the concept

As a 50 state federal country with outlying territory in the Carribean (the US Caymans amongst others) the United States of America funded development projects similarly but through credit loans and international firms paid living wages to reduce exploitation and as part of capitalism education. However with the 1970s devaluation of the dollar owing to Vietnam war debts, interest on these loans went up, creating the problems resolved in part at Gleneagles for the developed worlds poorest countries. Though where states are part of regional co-operation bodies, the ‘middle earner’ states have got a form of IMF / World Bank QE, interest rate loan reduction and similar measures so that they, like Spain can invest in properly advised aid development so as not to overdevelop like China and parts of India helped by the late Mother Theresa. Her aid used funds from all sources though that had unsustainable blips owing to the lack of contraception in Calcutta amongst other factors.

UK, Irish and Commonwealth background to the subject
G20 advised by the Commonwealth countries sought to deliver this through representative democracy and parliamentary authority, advising the heads of state and the head of the Commonwealth.

EFTA and EU background to the concept
EFTA was founded to prevent trade wars and reduce measures of bad faith within the capitalist system of Europe such as arms races and collapsing each others pensions and stock exchanges and banks in times when information was less available.

The Post War institutions that would have to implement it

World Bank


UN aid agencies

Regional Bodies

Ideas on what they would have to implement
At Gleneagles those states that couldn’t qualify for international development full debt write off had the following options set up:

1) Debts reduced and paid off at manageable amounts (the nation state version of the IVA), coordinated on the basis of currency and stock exhange areas, with the Euro Zone getting its own stock exchange so as to have one regulated stock exhange per currency area. This is IMF wirte off stage one
2) New Money for investment generated by the IMF (UN authorised Quantitative Easing), in effect global aid bonds for railways to purchase and transport the arw materials. This is IMF and world bank liased.
3) Bilateral trade agreements and donations (ie when we get the IEP trains in the UK, the HSTs get donated to Irelands diesel lines and get automatic doors and new locos). This was done by both PM Brown and the new coalition government.
4) Establishment of other equivilants to the Euro to reduce contras and the like re-emerging.

Which should have priority?

Answers to the Government and speaker of the House of Commons, calling for a Royal Commission on fiscal regulation. My guess all at once through the UN following authorisation of recommendations and simultaneous development of proposals.

also cc: shadow Chancellor:

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