Friday 3 August 2012

Ways of getting the scout hut earlier.

Ask the council (L Borough of Hillingdon) if they would donate the temporary library facility portacabin in Victoria Road to be put on a new concrete base behind the church (the base and utilities to be paid for out of reserves with relevant underground utilities / pipes laid prior to the atrium being built). In the meantime could said hut be used by the Scouts until it can be relocated after the library is open, with library users parking places in the public car park open opposite Days Hotel.

If there is a planning matter going before full council / planning ctte, then consultation for that hut to go on the park by Bourne Avenue is one other option, with another being a Polish Community centre on the Glebe Farm Site with this portacabin as the interim structure. Then planning can be discussed at both levels and a ward referendum be used as a way of deciding democratically between the options.

I’m asking a question at full council in the new year. Report for the development of St Marys Church, South Ruislip

Recent developments
Hall kitchen, car park and toilets refurbishment: Paid from Church reserves

Gardens outside being refurbished

Scout Hut restored in Mount Pleasant, leaving S and SE of parish not covered as the former site didn’t have adequate parking.

Next options

Scout hut behind St Marys church similar to ST Laurence Eastcote and St Andrew Roxbourne

Church primary in the parish
Caretakers flat over the church vestries
Atrium between church, chapel and Hall similar to St Joseph the Workers Northolt

Ways and means
Parish reserves
Separate fundraising for capital repair / investment
Corporate sponsorship
Grant making bodies, / trusts
Government Section 106 for further rail reopening (Old Oak Common – West Ruislip) whether ordinary or the less likely High Speed.
State academies becoming church primaries

The case for a St Marys Scout Hut in South Ruislip in the Fairway Park behind St Mary’s Vicarage in the unusable corner of the park
1)      Its my maternal Grandads tenth anniversary in 2012 when he passed away in 2002. It would allow the boys in the parish who don’t enlist in any of the cadets to learn how to get qualified in the professions (Sids case external student as a surveyor while working for the then London County Council after being an Air Raid Official in the East End in the Second world war). As the Church is in the airport flightpath of the diplomatic airport it seems apt that civil defence and fire prevention classes occur there to give those flying the foreign, Papal and Order of St John (international and other jurisdictions) jets a reminder that if they try anything like fuel dumping on Roxeth or carshing into the church where I was baptised the state is ready (how annoying is the 10.42am and 11.18am jets of a Sunday during church if its still going?)
2)      My other Grandfather served as a First World War soldier and after getting gassed by the Germans, studied part time while living in Northfields to become a hospital orderly (and ? chaplaincy volunteer) in the mental health hospital in Hanwell (St Bernards), it would thus be a good place for training those in first aid should they so want to work in the hospitals or airbase nearby as support staff on the basis of equality of gender (no the RAF isn’t as overpaid and oversexed as the stereotypical USAF of WW2, though the latter has inspired the Score Group and its predecessor babyface was run through the URC in the Chilterns and neighbouring London Boroughs (such as Hillingdon), didn’t know when I was a teenager as I was considered too much a tory tosser and therefore not worthy of dating ie shagging socialists as sports team jocks were the ones who got to appear in them and date the girls in the secondary schools I attended, usually the overseas teams, I became really introverted and phoned the advice lines in the local papers and thought then that they were used to fund organised crime and people trafficking so by being a horny teenager I may have damaged my fathers security clearance). Now I think that said lines were staffed by those who wanted to pay for parties and anniversaries, who runs those kind of companies back then In West London and the Thames Valley? Still wanna date Princess Beatrice of York but really happy shes settling down after getting her Msc. Her chest is far better than Pippas having seen the Westminster Abbey photos in the paper, and Pippas now dating an earl so doesn’t need the £3million from some yankee oik to star in a porno, anyway I seriously digress as at the time such things weren’t so regulated and better than what the Maxwells set up in the 1960s and 1970s.
3)      Now phone lines are run through psychiatric services using ex signal cadets when they’ve grown up and the photos in the mags are produced in varying ways per publication series. Score group is illegal in one title in particular, the Trojan equivilant is a ‘mead’ speciality (local parlence). Any ‘modelling’ is regulated through the mental health trusts (ie the premises concerned) and licencing committees.
4)      It is therefore a good way of remembering both my grandfathers in the Diamond Jubillee of the head of the church, Sids tenth anniversary and after the Legions 90th  year to seek the council to transfer the land at that corner of the park that has no practical use other than as somewhere away from the footpath can take their dog before the red waste bins were there.
5)      It would defend the church stained glass from further airgun attacks as occurred to the windows in the 1980s by fencing that land off.
6)      Plus as someone given immune system repressant mental health medication I would like the provision there for the 60th Anniversary of the church in 2019 in case my organs fail as as a mental health patient I don’t qualify for transplants unless I am engaged in voluntary work such as the Territorial Army or Chaplaincy (from which my Christmas bonus would also go). Perhaps teleportation could help, lol
7)      If there is sufficient demand from neighbouring parishes then the church could use some of the park or the Brackenbridge Drive field Or Queens Walk training centre as a CofE primary after or before that if new ones are allowed without existing ones trying to stop them to prevent their own absorbtion by the state if the Local authority (The London Borough of Hillingdon) can approve it with reference to amending its green spaces plans (and hence needs Greater London Authority approval).
8)      That way the present generation of the church my age and younger can settle, start families and the Church of England can share the building with the ordinariate should they wish to use it for those of older generations who live nearby and have worshipped there for decades if St Gregory the Great (RC) church is full with their services on a Sunday and can only manage mid week services for the ordinariate.
9)      I will write to my dad to ask him to sell the family home in the neighbouring parish of St Laurence Eastcote (which already has both scouts and guides venues within its church grounds and most of the others have so also, Cof E or others) and my share to go towards it. If my brother wants to settle down with his girlfriend nearby then they are potential scout leaders. This would be done after the step grandkids have completed FE and are in employment as part time HE or external students like their parents. That is unless the rental income from it couldn’t help fund it or any atrium between the Chapel of the Holy Family (referred to as the Lady chapel in the 1980s and 1990s, Church Hall and Main church and extension of the existing Hall based on St Joseph the workers, Northolt one which was built in the 1990s with dividend payments from Fairtrade products. Said Atrium could be an interim measure as it would raise the capacity of the existing structure combined with a church hall extension.
10)  Other funding is section 106 from the construction of High Speed Two after a freight linked Waste depot is built on the Chiltern Line in Harefield to mitigate the temporary loss of capacity of the waste transfer station in Civic Way, South Ruislip should HS2 on its present route or further upgrades on the Paddington- Birmingham- Milton Keynes Line be approved instead or if the HS2 is diverted via Heathrow and a terminal in Iver / West Drayton.
James Andrew Ware

The Case for a St Marys South Ruislip Scout Hut on the land behind the church and a Rugby Goal by 2015.
James Ware BELA, DipHE, Cert (Open)

This church is one where historically it has not been gender equal and historically favoured women in its activities, unlike in neighbouring parishes of Eastcote St Lawrence, St Pauls Ruislip Manor, St Martin of Tours Ruislip, ST Giles Ickenham, St Marys Northolt, St Johns Hillingdon, All Saints Hillingdon, St Josephs Northolt and St Andrews Roxeth.

Other social activities In Hillingdon and Harrow have had an impact as had the Major employers in the parish and surrounds (United States military on Homebase site, RAF Northolt as training and then diplomat airport and Biritish Airways, with many being tourists to Windsor and Harrow as much as Central London).

As such economically there has always been those who struggled to pay there mortgage and commuting travelcard and others with protected housing prior to it being rebuilt as housing association properties (the road next to Ruislip Gardens station and opposite RAF Northolt). In particular how the –up magazine titles are derived from communications by the 301 regiment during the second world war and after that and now are regulated by the borough licencing committee as publications under press complaint commission guidelines, and in the 1990s produced ion a neighbouring parish the babyface publications for shorter women and in one title now apparently under 18s (now the Score Group). The kind of images in such publications are regulated by the state through home office guidelines (with much of it being produced by military cadets) and are thus a matter for Serious Organsied Crime unit and the Mets Vice squad if you are just a civilian. In the church setting the parish or diocesan childrens advocate is the best person to contact who should ideally be separate from organising the youthclubs or being a commissioned lay minister under fortesque ideas of separation of powers.

In defence of the models some of those who posed were at the time underaged teen mothers in need of economic support and medical referral (if not having been referred to said photographers by their doctor anyhow or through the health care / contraception clinics). In my view there is no defence save custody for those who take that kind of imagery (particulary infra red in the power supply) save life imprisonment and no involvement in any kind of youth leadership capacity as the courts now direct at sentencing. This is because at Sea such infrared technology is vital for saving life and should therefore be used with respect. The Score group runs a directory enquiry service as well whose ads have also been referred to as cross advertising said publications.

In either case of publication those who pose may need husbands and partners and if teenagers the support of the church into housing near their grandparents. As such to prevent those of harder heqarts than mine saying ‘just go on the airbase visitors tour and join the cadets’ as many living under the flightpaths of diesel jets can’t pass the physicals required to fly said jets or man the airbase themselves, so need the help of the state. Living in this parish potentially leaves them too far out of Greater London to afford a season ticket to get to jobs there, just having a glass ceiling in terms of the income that they can earn, unless said single mothers or couples do external or part time HE courses to become as qualified as the university classes of Ruislip-Northwood- Pinner.

As such there is rising demand for school places requiring a CofE primary in the parish for children from Northolt, South Harrow (Roxeth / Roxbourne) and the new housing on the old express dairies site where rent rates are slightly less and thus more of it is covered by Housing Benefit (and Council Tax benefit). If said demand is Roman Catholic then they want top site swap into two sites (Brackenbridge Drive and Queens Walk training centre and the Cof E get the East Mead site of St Swithun Wells.

Other Scout provision (12th Ruislip, South Ruislip Evangelical Church in replacement for the 1st South Ruislip that closed in the 1990s), Boys Brigade (In The Queens Walk Methodist Church)
The church was founded on its present site in 1959, prior to that it was located in a hut opposite the Tally Ho pub near what is now the Polish War memorial roundabout.
The present church hall was built replacing the wooden second church by 1979-81.
The church is gas fire heated, replacing earlier oil delivered and burnt fired radiators.
The chapel has recently been refurbished and the toilets in the hall rebuilt. The car park has had new gravel and the front road of the church resurfaced using reserve funds from the sale of the second clergy property in 1980 when the diocese could no longer afford the salaries of two parish clergy. The Council has installed a gate into the park behind for groups in the church to use and for summer events such as parish summer fayres or open air plays. The park between the church and the playground can fit half a Rugby pitch or just a goal and markings for either football (already catered for) or Rugby (for Rugby 2015 world cup).

 The land directly behind the church and vicarage has limited practical use other than for another hall / scout hut of similar format to the scout hut in Mount Pleasant.

To apply for land transfer under the planning and local government act, with the need for Green Belt and Unitary Development Plan derivation of the land required for the Scout Hut. Costs for schematics to come out of ward councillors annual £15,000 budget for community projects or expertise of Hillingdon Association of Voluntary Services and Diocesan construction advisor / city of London / GLA clerk of the works.

Said plans would then be ratfied by the Councils Leader and Cabinet. They would be passed to full council for further approval after the Councils Chrysalis fund approves some funding when enough fundraising has occurred to make it achievable (following the 12th Ruislips example). Fundraising to include writing to neighbouring dioceses and other Anglican Churches and those on their membership lists from the Supreme Governor down. Gift aid only applies to those paying Inland Revenue taxes on income or savings until national insurance is merged into a universal tax and benefit system.

The plans would be open to tender according to local government and diocesan procedures with the results published by the church on its noticeboard and online.

If I am needed to form the scout group ctte under their protocols and set up the fundraising initiatives or the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award committee, I can be contacted at the following email address:

James Ware

PS I do not retract or recant one iota what I think about the Score Group or pornography in general as I think it has a negative impact on young mens abilities to form relationships with women their own age, the key to building up a church for the next three generations and the ideal in the bible and the back page of the book of common prayer. However as life is not ideal and Christ teaches in the Gospel and the Apostles that others live in other ways, combined with the fact that the Scouts are ‘non political and non sectarian’, I have to prepare a way for Duke of Edinburgh award groups to be sustainably taught and funded without recourse to the Score Groups and its shareholders so that they can live in / near the parish where they are taught and in a Big Society take care of their parents and in laws.

Ways of getting the scout hut earlier.

Ask the council (L Borough of Hillingdon) if they would donate the temporary library facility portacabin in Victoria Road to be put on a new concrete base behind the church (the base and utilities to be paid for out of reserves with relevant underground utilities / pipes laid prior to the atrium being built). In the meantime could said hut be used by the Scouts until it can be relocated after the library is open, with library users parking places in the public car park open opposite Days Hotel.

If there is a planning matter going before full council / planning ctte, then consultation for that hut to go on the park by Bourne Avenue is one other option, with another being a Polish Community centre on the Glebe Farm Site with this portacabin as the interim structure. Then planning can be discussed at both levels and a ward referendum be used as a way of deciding democratically between the options.

I’m asking a question at full council in the new year.

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